Whitetail Hollow - 80 acres NE Oklahoma

Looking good Johnny. Glad to see you posting over here.
Going to be tough getting used to your new user name.

Thanks! Going to try to get a condensed version of my old thread in here... Wish I had named it different back when I started it...

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I passed some nice deer on our place but didn't get an opportunity at a target deer...



I did get a nice fall turkey with my bow and a nice buck with my muzzleloader...



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Always a good read from you!
Going to be tough getting used to your new user name.

Thanks! Going to try to get a condensed version of my old thread in here... Wish I had named it different back when I started it...

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You can change your post title under the edit thingy
You can change your post title under the edit thingy
My gosh, all these features are going to take some getting used to. I already started a new thread
I guess what I need to do is make a new condensed version of our property thread from the beginning. May take me awhile as there were almost 3,500 post on the other forum that is going away so please bear with me.
We closed on 80 acres of raw land that we bought from my aunt on January 30th 2014. The land was completely wooded and is split by a lightly traveled county road. Very few houses along this section of road. No AG for approximately 50 miles and some pastureland about 1 mile south. About 3k acres of unbroken timber we are in the middle of...
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On Feb 15th 2013 we began work. I had a surveyor that was being chased by a dozer operator that was being followed by us putting up fencing on 65 acres of the property. The property had never been fenced other than the north section had an old cobbled up fence between our place and my 1 cattle neighbor...





Last edited: 53 minutes ago
We built a really nice tight fence through the hills and hollers...




While the dozer was on site we made our first opening in the woods on the southern end of our newly fenced area. I decided to just throw clover seed in to start and I put down Barduro Red in a strip along the outside and the rest of the plot in Durana white...



Also had a small waterhole dug on the end of the plot in the clay...

If you read from the beginning of this thread these last 3 - 4 post are what happened before and are from when our land journey began...
Kubota! Glad to see a familiar face. I used a push spreader with my pants tucked in my boots once. Once... Ended up with a boot full of urea...
Yes! Looking forward to getting to follow along with the Oklahoma Happening's going forward. Always enjoyed the 80 acres thread.
Okie...Looking forward to the ride here on HT!
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