White Oak ID


Buck Fawn
We purchased some land in Colquitt County, Georgia last year and have been enjoying the change in scenery. I'm pretty good at oak ID but this tree has me and online apps stumped. This one is on the edge of swamp (uphill) in relatively dry ground. Has characteristics similar to a white oak and swamp chestnut oak. Leaf shape looks like a mix between the two. Acorns are more round than the other white oaks on the property.
It looks to be potentially some sort of hybrid with an overcup oak based on the cap, but I haven't seen any overcup oaks on the property or surrounding areas.
It has to have overcup in it with that cap. My guess is going to be a Totten oak which is a cross between an overcup and swamp chestnut oak. If you are on Facebook, there is group called International Oaks. That group is filled with Quercus experts and if you post the photos there, I am sure that someone should be able to identify it.

I would love to get a few acorns from you if you have any to spare. I can trade other oak acorns, Allegheny chinquapins, Chickasaw plums, or other seeds if interested.
It has to have overcup in it with that cap. My guess is going to be a Totten oak which is a cross between an overcup and swamp chestnut oak. If you are on Facebook, there is group called International Oaks. That group is filled with Quercus experts and if you post the photos there, I am sure that someone should be able to identify it.

I would love to get a few acorns from you if you have any to spare. I can trade other oak acorns, Allegheny chinquapins, Chickasaw plums, or other seeds if interested.
I think you may be right. Would be a likely cross for our area. Will look for some acorns while I'm out.