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Which buck wins this sparing match?

Looks like a fawn w/ a yearling rack - great pic!
Cool pic. Looks like the little guy has no clue what's coming.
Cool pic. Looks like the little guy has no clue what's coming.

Haha. Yeah he doesn't.

Nice pic.
Wow, enormous difference in body size. Cool pic for sure.
David and Goliath.
Hey David won!

Not sure junior could work a rock slinger though.
I will give him an "A" for effort. He has also worried the heck out of the does this week. I'm surprised they even run from him but they do.
HAHA< just think of the potential there, if he is willing to fight that big guy, he could have some serious dominance issue's he will grow into as he gets older LOL

Cool Pic' and really shows the difference in what AGE can do, with good food!
That pic is a keeper for sure.
I think the big guy could use the antlers of the little fella to pick his teeth !! What a contrast.