What are the chances ?


Never hurt the stand. Cut the straps good to go!



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Guess I'm not the only one

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I had a nearby tree fall into a stand once. Bent it up some, but straightened it out and still use it!!
I thought the same thing when the tree with my hang on fell.
Mine is bent up a bit but I may try to straighten it and use it again. It's one that I only use two ladder sections on so I'm only going up in the air 8-10 feet. Wouldn't trust the bent and then re-bent metal 15+ feet up.
If a tree falls in the woods.................... LOL
Wow, talk about luck! I often wonder when I'm going to find one of mine on the ground, hopefully if I do it'll be in sound shape to.
I had a huge cedar fall and it caught my ladder stand perfectly and smashed it almost flat. The cedar rode the large oak down and just scraped the stand into an accordion. I had a couple pictures but can't find them on the puter.
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Good thing this wasn't Oct/Nov.
Boy....that would have been a ride if you was in it.lol
This happened to me last year as well. First evening I could hunt and was running short of time. Walked to my best spot and another tree had fallen right on top of my stand. Wind was wrong for every other stand and time was short to make it anywhere else. I ended up not hunting at all! What a bummer.
I have one old hang on tangled in a mess of 3 trees toppled, stand is in a big red cedar, cedar has mfr, honeysuckle, grape, and bittersweet tangling up it. The other two trees that came down on top of the one with the stand are another cedar, and gnarly mulberry, each tangled with the smae vines, mfr's... that stand is retired, just cant cut my way in to get it out.