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Weights, Rates and sugar...


5 year old buck +
Not quite a bushel of Wickson. 37 lbs. Pressed out just a tad under 2 gallons. Hydrometer read 1054, Refractometer read 1058.
What do those last 2 number mean?
There are two different tools that can measure specific gravity of a liquid...hydrometer and a refractometer. Since I brew beer and wine and now cider, if you can get this measurement before and after fermentation you can calculate alcohol by volume. Some apples contain a lot of sugar like 1070 or more. I hope to find which of mine will be the highest, lowest or just average.
Today I picked, washed, Scratted and pressed:
Sundance, sugar at 1052
Dabinette, sugar at 1063
Zumi, sugar at 1084.
My apple picking is done except for a few wickson. The trees by my house are picked and those along the swamps are left for the deer.

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