
I just checked the weather station at the house. 28.99 inches of rainfall already in 2019....
3 inches from our yearly average!!!

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Depending on which weather model you believe they are saying 5"-12" of rain tomorrow through tuesday. That may be enough to get the house and we are on a hill out of the floodplain
That is a lot of water!
We got dumped on last night, SE of my work 6”-7” in a couple hours.
Took me three times as long to get home this morning with all the detours and closed roads, still ended up driving through water running over the road many times. Couple spots the road had caved in from culverts or small bridges that couldn’t handle the fast flow, others brush small trees and other flotsam were covering road from high water that was going down.
I almost feel lucky that all we got was 3” at my house.... it’s going to be a soybean year around here getting way late to get corn in and fields are soaked.
Not even 10% of the county is even planted yet.
We got a couple inches of rain, and some of the white stuff. Isn’t it pretty!

Snodgrass May 20 weather video update. More of the same. Dangerous storms in the south central plains. Lot of rain to fall in a wide region of the heartland.

I wish you guys could send a little rain to the SE, we’ve had no rain in about 10 days and none in the 14 day forecast with highs in the upper 90’s. It looks like summer is here for us!
Frost advisory here tonight, not real warm here lately just over 50 deg today.
I wish you guys could send a little rain to the SE, we’ve had no rain in about 10 days and none in the 14 day forecast with highs in the upper 90’s. It looks like summer is here for us!
Tonight my rain gauge washed away no joke. River set to have one of the highest crests of all time. Flash flooding. Good times.
gobbler, you arent alone. We just got out of flood stage for the first time since March, and we just got 3 inches of rain 2 days ago, and it is suppose to rain all day today and tomorrow. I think the next golden ticket in my area would be a ferry to cross the river since the roads have been closed so much, with only 1 way in, and 1 way out of my town. The accompanying town that we share the local school district with is less then 5 miles away, but with the floods this spring, it makes the drive to be 28 miles each way. Sucks!
So the Lake backing up onto me is John Redmond Reservoir. Tonight the Corp told emergency management they have to open the gates. Substantial flooding will occur downstream. They are evacuating people in our county seat of Burlington. Erie KS will overtop their dikes. Iola will be worse than 2007.
Hang on to your hats boys!!! Here is the precip map for the next 2 weeks, and the planting progress map for 2019 corn and beans. We are WAY THE FFFF behind. Corn was about 50 cents lower just last Monday. Its officially panic time.

For the farmers that have a stock pile of corn, and beans this should help their prices out. It usually seems every spring it is panic time for farmers, then all of a sudden things work out, and they end up with record amounts of crops again. I am not saying that will happen this year, but things usually work out in the end.

The business that rents our farm land can put seed in the ground in a big hurry, and remove crops in a big hurry. The sheer size, and volume of the equipment these big corporations have can make quick work if and when things allow them to get in to the fields. When you get 6 12 row planters going in one field and you just keep moving them down the line, things can look pretty rosy in short order.
Did you survive last nights storms? I hope Everyone is ok down there!
I’m having a hard time trying to plant on sand it’s just too wet. The farmer down the road got stuck trying to plant corn. Buried it right next to his pivot rig he hasn’t used in two years.
Godspeed gentlemen. If I had a shutoff valve I would surely turn it. May the force be with you....
I'm wondering if 5 or 10 million acres don't get planted, and a lot of those are looking for some cover crops, if there's going to be a shortage and/or price jump on food plot seed.
I wish you guys could send a little rain to the SE, we’ve had no rain in about 10 days and none in the 14 day forecast with highs in the upper 90’s. It looks like summer is here for us!
Evidently one of the few suffering crazy hot and dry conditions along with Davidhelmy.

In 2018 it took me a year to get a Morton building completed due to conditions being so wet that work crews couldn't get on-site -- had right at 80 inches by 2018 year-end.

In 2019 we've had only 10 inches year to date with long spells between rains, and as Davidhelmy shared we're in the middle of a dry spell right now with no relief in sight.

Stayed out to dark yesterday filling 5 gallon buckets with water (small drip holes drilled near bottom) in an attempt to keep trees showing stress alive.

Hope the weather stabilizes for all of us here soon (and that I might dodge any direct hurricane hits as the summer progresses, since looks like gulf waters are going to be holding plenty of heat energy in the months ahead).