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Value of pin oaks?


5 year old buck +
Got about 5 or 6 of them around the house 10-15ft tall. I clearanced the vines off of 2 or 3 today.

How do the deer and other wildlife like them? The acorns got to sit a year like red oaks?
Pin oak is a just an oak in the Red Oak family. Acorns are higher in tannin, so not as preferred by deer (as white oak for example), but they definitely still eat them.
Deer eat them here for sure. I like them because they are one of the fastest growing oaks, start bearing nuts around ten years.
We have a pin oak in our front yard - no deer eating there. Squirrels, blue jays, and other birds love the acorns. Hawks and owls like to perch in our pin oak. We have no pin oaks at camp, so no deer stories to relate.
I too have a pin oak in the yard. its around 30 years old and a heavy acorn producer every year. Deer will not eat the acorns. Even starving deer will not eat them. I take bushels and bushels of the acorns off the yard every year. It’s an extremely messy tree that way and I am considering cutting it down.
I don’t intentionally plant Pin oaks but my deer do eat them they are the only native oak on my one farm. Since I have them already I’ve focused my oak plantings on other species. I do think because of their smaller acorns they would probably be good oaks to plant on wetland/pond edges for waterfowl to eat the acorns.