Trying to gain experience in land consulting

Codie Gleason

Yearling... With promise
Hello all, my name is Codie Gleason and I am a Senior at Radford University studying environmental biology. For my final semester I am required to write a habitat management plan tailored to one particular species of interest (e.g. white-tailed deer, wild turkey, bob-white quail, etc.). The plan is limited to a piece of property in Virginia and I have the option of choosing the property and the species to focus on. Since this is a strong interest of mine I have decided to take a different approach and instead of picking a property of my choosing I am hoping to find a private land owner that has had a desire to get a management plan written for their property. I am not a professional biologist by any means but I am very passionate about the project and I am hoping to gain practical skills that can help me in my future outside of college. If you are from the Southwest Virginia area or the Richmond area and this sounds like something you'd be interested in please pm to get things going.

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My first suggestion is to edit your post and remove your email address unless it is a temporary throw away. Instead, ask folks on the forum to PM you and you can exchange email address that way. Folks on the forum are not likely a problem but bots and crawlers scour forums for email addresses.

It is great to see a young guy doing this. I'm part owner in a pine farm about an hour from Richmond. I'm not sure if that is close enough for you. We manage it for a balance of timber and wildlife. We have a forest stewardship plan and worked with the county VDOF forester and a private forester as well as VDGIF biologists and USDA folks. If this sounds like a fit, PM me and we can chat about it.

Another option is to contact Matt Knox (Deer) or Gary Norman (Turkey) at VDGIF or simply visit VDGIF in Richmond and figure out who the biologists are that cover the particular areas you are interested in. Most of them have great relationships with private land owners and can likely hook you up with someone.


This is an awesome project. Good luck and let us know how it goes.
It does sound very interesting...good luck.
Hello all, my name is Codie Gleason and I am a Senior at Radford University studying environmental biology. For my final semester I am required to write a habitat management plan tailored to one particular species of interest (e.g. white-tailed deer, wild turkey, bob-white quail, etc.). The plan is limited to a piece of property in Virginia and I have the option of choosing the property and the species to focus on. Since this is a strong interest of mine I have decided to take a different approach and instead of picking a property of my choosing I am hoping to find a private land owner that has had a desire to get a management plan written for their property. I am not a professional biologist by any means but I am very passionate about the project and I am hoping to gain practical skills that can help me in my future outside of college. If you are from the Southwest Virginia area or the Richmond area and this sounds like something you'd be interested in please pm to get things going.

PM me if your still looking. I can probably find you something in the Richmond area.
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