Training and Pruning


5 year old buck +
I would say these are some of my better formed trees. In my backyard at home, I check them weekly. Obviously i can't say the charlie brown tree in my other thread has had this kind attention. That other one has just always had it's share of issues. Anyways....

This is a Sweet 16 on G.30 rootstock, this year will be 3rd leaf. I'm aggressive with clothespins and wire between april and july or august.


Here is another angle.

Then you'll notice another tree in the background. Zestar!, this will be 4th leaf, also G.30 rootstock. This tree had 6 fruit that were grapefruit sized last year. I think it should do very well this year. The trunk is beer can sized at the base and gotta be around 12-13', I'm curious to see how tall this rootstock actually gets. All of my trees are going in very heavy clay other than the planting hole where i put good black dirt.

Here's a closeup of the top of the tree. There is a huge majestic white pine to the south of this tree, but it gets a great afternoon dose of sun.

Up close, this 3rd year limb looks eager to work!
Looks like some apples in your future!!
CE those look fantastic man!

Anybody else use these spreaders to train your trees? Kinda nice for the higher up limbs, but I still think I will have to pull the tips down with wire.
I use spreaders made from wood lath. I'd love to tie tips down, but bears would find the wires and play with them and end up breaking all the limbs off. I don't need trip wires for bears to maul. Side note: a member saw a 500 lb.-er. and a 300 lb.-er at camp this weekend while coming/going on our lane. - - - Anyone want a real steal deal on some bears ??
I use spreaders made from wood lath. I'd love to tie tips down, but bears would find the wires and play with them and end up breaking all the limbs off. I don't need trip wires for bears to maul. Side note: a member saw a 500 lb.-er. and a 300 lb.-er at camp this weekend while coming/going on our lane. - - - Anyone want a real steal deal on some bears ??

I'm heading to Ontario tomorrow to hunt bears. First time for me. Last year there was a big one on the property.