Tick Repellent Clothing


5 year old buck +
Does anybody here have any input into my situation and specifically tick repellent clothing? I live in a tick haven. My 5 year old daughter goes with me every time I take a walk in the woods. She would be irate if I left her behind. Every time we go she and I have ticks all over us. I can take care of myself but sometimes it is a bit harder with her. Over the past year she has been to the urgent care twice to get a tick out that I snapped off. I bought some of the Sawyers spray and my wife wigged out because it is a pesticide and says not safe even though I was only going to spray her clothes while not on her and let it dry thoroughly. She also has sensitive skin. I get all that but if we continue at this rate she is almost guaranteed to get lymes. I was sitting on the couch with those Sawyer sprayed clothes last night asking myself if that was safe even though I sprayed them 2 days before. ??

Here is my real question though. I was looking online at the clothes that are pretreated with tick repellent. Is this stuff truly 100% safe? As in a different "safe" than the Sayers spray? As in put these clothes on her and not even think twice they are treated with something such as a pesticide. I was thinking of getting her this clothing and only putting it on her when we go for walks.

What brand of this clothing is reasonably priced and works as it supposed to?

Any other info would be appreciated.
I know what you mean,you can't hardly go to timber no and the NWSG is worse.I have had lyme twice and rocky mountain once along with my daughter and wife had lyme once each
Tap had a thread about this last week. Permathrin has been used by the military for quite some time. As parents you and your wife need to decide what's best for the kids. My sons clothes always got treated when we were/are heading out.

For me it's safer then the ticks

Thanks for the link but that doesn't address my concern for the pretreated clothing.
I have never heard of pre-treated clothing, but kind of like this HEX hunting clothing I see commercials for, my BS meter spikes just thinking about it. What's it pre-treated with? How long does it last? What happens when you wash it?

I understand your wife's concerns. I would just buy some Permethrin and "pre-treat" your daughter's favorite pair of field pants and jacket or long sleeve T. When you get home from a walk, hang them in the garage until the next walk.
I always spray my clothing and knock on wood haven't had a tick yet. My wife says I don't glow in the dark after wearing the clothes.
Does anybody here have any input into my situation and specifically tick repellent clothing? I live in a tick haven. My 5 year old daughter goes with me every time I take a walk in the woods. She would be irate if I left her behind. Every time we go she and I have ticks all over us. I can take care of myself but sometimes it is a bit harder with her. Over the past year she has been to the urgent care twice to get a tick out that I snapped off. I bought some of the Sawyers spray and my wife wigged out because it is a pesticide and says not safe even though I was only going to spray her clothes while not on her and let it dry thoroughly. She also has sensitive skin. I get all that but if we continue at this rate she is almost guaranteed to get lymes. I was sitting on the couch with those Sawyer sprayed clothes last night asking myself if that was safe even though I sprayed them 2 days before. ??

Here is my real question though. I was looking online at the clothes that are pretreated with tick repellent. Is this stuff truly 100% safe? As in a different "safe" than the Sayers spray? As in put these clothes on her and not even think twice they are treated with something such as a pesticide. I was thinking of getting her this clothing and only putting it on her when we go for walks.

What brand of this clothing is reasonably priced and works as it supposed to?

Any other info would be appreciated.

Nothing is 100% safe including a bath or shower.
Ticks are really bad here this spring too. I am also a big permethrin fan, I wet my go in the woods clothes down with it and let it dry I think it lasts a long time even if washed?
A quick internet search shows that most bug repellent clothing is treated with permethrin. Our military has been using it since 1990. Many articles state that a combination of permethrin treated clothing and deet applied to the skin is the most effective method to avoid ticks.

Here is another permethrin tip.

Late summer at my farm I get tons of fruit flys in the kitchen. They get in through the window screens. Last year I coated the screens with permethrin. No more fruit flys!

I'm going to die. I doubt it will be from permethrin. More than likely from something else I've put in body for years. Like Doritos.
It's hard to find permethrin here in St. Louis right now. I spray my clothes and the boys clothes. I'm sold on the stuff. Hoping to get out turkey hunting this weekend. After three stores today I bought the only two spray bottles of permethrin I found. I can't imagine spring and summer without it. I'm tempted to order it in bigger bottles online just so I have some for the whole summer and fall too. That and a thermacell for the mosquitos and it's just a more pleasant experience being out.
It's hard to find permethrin here in St. Louis right now. I spray my clothes and the boys clothes. I'm sold on the stuff. Hoping to get out turkey hunting this weekend. After three stores today I bought the only two spray bottles of permethrin I found. I can't imagine spring and summer without it. I'm tempted to order it in bigger bottles online just so I have some for the whole summer and fall too. That and a thermacell for the mosquitos and it's just a more pleasant experience being out.

I think your doing it the expensive way. When you buy it pre mixed for direct use you pay like 1000% more than needed.
Pre made Permithrin insect spray contains .5% Permithrin. Concentrate for livestock contains 10%. If you buy concentrate and your own spray bottle you can mix 20oz of water to 1 oz of concentrate and have a .5% mixture. I mix min a little hotter.

A quick search found some in stock about 20 miles east of St. Louis. I'm sure there is a horse supply place closer to you.
I think your doing it the expensive way. When you buy it pre mixed for direct use you pay like 1000% more than needed.
Pre made Permithrin insect spray contains .5% Permithrin. Concentrate for livestock contains 10%. If you buy concentrate and your own spray bottle you can mix 20oz of water to 1 oz of concentrate and have a .5% mixture. I mix min a little hotter.

A quick search found some in stock about 20 miles east of St. Louis. I'm sure there is a horse supply place closer to you.

Thanks - didn't even know that was available!
I used Sawyer's permethrin the first time. 12 oz with .5% permethrin at $14.66 is about $240 per ounce of poison. Then I bought a 16 oz bottle of permethrin 10% for 13.64 on Amazon. That's $8.50 per ounce of poison. Diluted it down to 0.5% and refill the Sawyer bottle as needed. I can refill it 27 times before I need to purchase more.
My research at the time indicated factory-treated clothes are rated for 42-70 washings; diy treat rated for 6 washings or 6 weeks. I keep track of which clothes I treated, but I don't count the washings in detail.
I treat boots, socks, pants, shirts, hats and the results have been perfect. Before, even with repellent, I would return from the woods with bug bites from the bottom of my snake boots to the tops of my legs. Little buggers got inside somehow. one time had 70 bites on one foot. Guy let's me stay in his house over there has inside dogs and zero house-keeping. I got bites in the bed and sitting on the couch. Fleas, bed bugs... So, now I take my own treated sheets. No more bites. The results were instantaneous and 100%.
I agree with concerns of exposure to chemicals, even if following the instructions to treat outside of clothes and not skin. But I chose the chemical risk over the Lyme and etc disease risk, with freedom from itchy bug bites as a bonus. I think Lyme disease is pretty scary.
Them are my thoughts, all of'm.
good short article: http://sectionhiker.com/treating-your-clothes-with-permethrin/
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How does this stuff work on no-see-ums, see-me-nots, and other invisible bugs that eat deet with their breakfast? If it can keep them away I will soak my fishing shirts in it as well.
How does this stuff work on no-see-ums, see-me-nots, and other invisible bugs that eat deet with their breakfast? If it can keep them away I will soak my fishing shirts in it as well.

I don't think it will repel them. It doesn't repel ticks and mosquitos. They are probing insects so they land or crawl on your clothing start probing thus getting the permathrin into thier system. Then they go into an LSD like coma and die.

It would work on no see ums that land on your clothes. But if you're in a short sleeve shirt they might get your exposed skin.

I've watched ticks crawl up my pants and kinda go nuts then fall off.
Elimitick clothes by Gamehide are pretreatred and work well. I believe their treatments are supposed to last longer than the home spray method

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After never seeing a tick until last year apparently they are here to stay. I came home from planting trees and had one in my arm and one in my back. I was covered in deep woods off because the black flies were torture so I guess it doesn't work on ticks. I guess it is time to take these things serious.
I came home from planting trees and had one in my arm and one in my back

I have a tick key I bought for $5. Haven't had to use it often but the darn thing works if thier not to dug in. Pops all the tick out. Seems like tweezers always breaks the beak off and it stays with you.

Worth $5 if you need one now and then
I've become a huge believer in permethrin. I own just a little bit of clothing that's engineered/sold with it, but I do buy the concentrate in gallon jugs from http://pestcontrol.domyownpestcontrol.com/search?w=permethrin concentrate and I treat clothing, gear and buildings. It really works great for all the applications that I've tried and I've never had any adverse side effects.

There's another forum that deals with the Boundary Waters Canoe Area (BWCA) in Minnesota. The paddlers and campers up there are well versed in dealing with insects. Their forum has many threads and posts that discuss permethrin. Some folks just spray it, and others do a full soak. They dip clothes and gear in tubs of permethrin solution. The overwhelming consensus on permethrin is that it's highly effective.
I guess as with anything (including pure water) too much is harmful. But so are the nasty diseases carried by some insects...not to mention the misery they inflict.
I'll take my chances and continue using permethrin.