Thumbs up for Grafting!


5 year old buck +
Every dang year........................

I got a good one this year too! Wounds heal, just like our grafts!
I got my annual cut/blood letting in on the first one I tried this year! You would think by now I wouldn't be surprised -
I was top working a couple higher branches on a third leaf tree and should have brought a small step ladder...I bled like a hog. Probably messed the grafts up.
I was top working a couple higher branches on a third leaf tree and should have brought a small step ladder...I bled like a hog. Probably messed the grafts up.
Ya.... I can relate - I cut a stick of scion off of a tree and was going to field graft it to a sucker coming off the base of the trunk. Made the first whip cut on the scion and did the same thing - right into my thumb. The part that really sucked was as I was dripping blood everywhere I knelt down and made the cut on the sucker only to find that it was dead wood. Go figure...
I think you taped over the chip bud too much, can't see the bud ya grafted in there between the electrical tape..........
I cut myself in the shop last fall bad enough that I figured after calling my SIL that is a nurse that I should go to the doctor for stitches the next day. Wrapped it well in paper towels and electric tape, when I walked into the doctors office the next day everyone working there from the receptionist to the nurse knew right away what I had done. Said they figured guys with cuts kept the duct and electric tape companies in business!:emoji_grin:
TC - ^^^^ As an electrician, I keep a roll of white electrical tape just for wrapping cuts !! True. I've patched myself on several occasions. :emoji_anguished:
Cleft all the way!
Should I be looking at whip and tongue or cleft graft for this one?

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I dont know which to choose for you --- but, you only got 3 more chances to get it right !!!
Should I be looking at whip and tongue or cleft graft for this one?

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I dont know which to choose for you --- but, you only got 3 more chances to get it right !!!

Wrong, I got nine more chances!

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Somebody hide Bur's knives !! ^^^^^
Punched out 100 grafts tonight with nary scratch... but I had med truck on stand-by.....

I've got a dozen short pieces of scion left over that Im going to field graft - leftovers from my grin order and tonight's grafting, then I too am done,... DONE for the year.IMG_2663.JPG