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5 year old buck +
Have a are close to my place that is government ground. Have seen a couple very nice deer to the north of the woods how would you hunting this? The line is the government boarder.
Pics of groundScreenshot_20180813-200201.png


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If the govt land is open to hunting, I’d start there first in case you pressure them. Maybe they’ll shift to your place instead. How long until your season opens? If you don’t open until they’re off their summer pattern it’s a crap shoot. No telling where they’ll be. If they are on their summer pattern they tend to be more easily patterned, but bed very close to where they are feeding, sometimes in the bean fields even.

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We can hunt on the South ( bottom) side of that line. Most of the deer in the field to the north are coming out in the center to the right side of the picture
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Then I’d stay clear until the rut and hunt the drains leading down to the fields. What crop is in the fields? Looks like there’s some good bedding cover down near there too. The deer don’t have much reason to come your way right now.

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You are correct they have no reason to head back into the timber. Big Field is beans, smaller field to the right is corn, trils through brush and bedding are clover. There are several deer over 140, and at least two 160+ coming out almost every night.
If it is public you will want to find the hardest to reach areas, as they will have the least hunting pressure. That place looks fairly hilly, I would pull a topo map of the area and then do some scouting around the military crests of the leeward side of the hills for buck bedding. Bucks are going to be heavily pressured on public land, so hunt them close to where they sleep because they won't be traveling far in daylight around there.
Very hilly. I included topo and terrain screenshots.