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sunn hemp cover crop until rape planted


5 year old buck +
I had good luck with dwarf Essex rape seed on some smaller food plots last season in Portage county, Central Wisconsin. The deer absolutely loved it in late November into December after the first hard frost. I am going to plant some more of the rape seed this year. I was wondering if I could plant anything in mid May and then terminate it in mid July when I want to plant the rape seed. Last year I just left the field for rape fallow until planting time.

I had two thoughts. First is to just get some 50 pound bags of black oil or striped sunflower seed and broadcast that in with no expectations of any crop. Second was to plant sunn hemp and let it grow for 60 days. Then brush hog either planted seed and disc it under before the rape is planted. Anyone do anything like this when they plant rape in the late summer? Most of the rape plots have decent soil at the present. No reason to not build it up if possible and keep the weeds down also. Can sunn hemp be no till drilled into plots? I don't know the relative expensive involved for either seed.
Only question you've asked that I can answer is that sunn hemp can be no till drilled into plots. I no till drill it...both as a monoculture and in the fall cover crops which are usually rye, radishes, turnips and maybe crimson. It grows very fast and if weather is warm you should get meaningful growth.
I have heard deer love sun hemp and also heard they won’t touch it. I decided not to chance it becouse my biggest field isn’t that large. I was going to no till it if I did plant it. I can check where you can get seed but I believe it was Hancock Seed.
It can get quite big.This is hemp being crimped last Sept. Was planted in May and mowed once. I got seed local but as mentioned Hancock has it. I've been planting several years and deer now accept it as part of the summer fare. IMG_4415.JPG
They don't eat it once it's ^^^ that tall do they?
Sure. When young they eat the tops but as it gets taller they will graze on the leaves. I see them eating it all the time. I want say it is the top food out there but still readily grazed. I'm in La.
I would plant MRC for what you're wanting to do. It would smother weeds, maybe fix a little N, and feed a few deer...
I would plant MRC for what you're wanting to do. It would smother weeds, maybe fix a little N, and feed a few deer...

Sun Hemp does exactly that.
Before I plant brassicas I usually broadcast and lightly disc in some oats as a cover crop rather than just leave things fallow in spring. I'll also occasionally throw in some field peas for a little variety.

I don't know anything about sunn hemp, but that picture looks cool. What's the price for enough seed needed for an acre of that and how does it do in sandy soil?
Sun Hemp does exactly that.

No, not really. By the time he could plant sun hemp, which doesn't surfact broadcast well, at his location, it would not have much time to do anything before it would be time to plant his primary crop of brassica.
Just going off of research I have done in the past. It germinates above 48, grows 6' tall by day 60, and CAN produce nodules the size of golf balls (which im assuming is extreemly rare and shouldnt be expected) I dont think he'd have a problem with it doing that in his location but again i'm just going off of different research and descriptions and not personal experience. It also says it can be surface broadcast. If he sprays mid to late April and tills early May there SHOULD be plenty of time.

Yes medium red is tried and true and would do exactly what he wants to do. I just hope he tries the sun hemp and reports back with his results.
I looked into the cost of the sunn hemp seed to do the acreage I wanted and it turns out to be quite expensive per acre. I am going to use buckwheat as a cover crop until I plant the rape in late July early August. It is a lot cheaper and I will just till it under as a green manure soil builder when I prep the fields for the rape.
If you want to reduce your cost even more just do TNM for your rape. The experience that I have had with TNM has convinced me to never till again where small seeds are concerned.
TNM stands for ?
TNM stands for ?

Throw and Mow. If you don't know, it's surface broadcasting seed into remnant vegitation, after being sprayed or naturally terminated.
FWIW: I would spring plant oats and Arvika peas. I am probably north of you. I would not plant sunn early. I have tried twice. It needs 65 degree soil temp for germination and thrives in heat. My first effort was a failure. My second was better, but I had a cool summer last year, many nights in the 40's. I never got the height. I do not think that you would have enough time for the sunn hemp before you plant the rape. Baker is in Louisiana.

if the oats and peas are thin, I might broadcast some buckwheat. It grows quick and you could then follow with the rape.