Sugar Tyme Crabapple...


5 year old buck +
I know very little about fruit trees. I find that most recommended on here I NEVER see for sale anywhere? I just came across a sale on Sugar Tyme Crabs and was wondering if they are even worth putting in the ground for deer? If not, where are you guys getting your Dolgo and Chesnut Crabs ? And what is a typical price for a potted tree like that? Just curious?

Hi Swiffy. I will have some trees that you would want on B. 118 grafted up for next spring. I'm in east central MN.

I would guess that Woclyn Nursery in Cambridge would have some of the trees you would want. Any local nursery will be getting their trees from Bailey's nursery. Otherwise order online right now for next year!
Awfully nice of your SC!
Looks like the sugar tyme is an ornamental crab. And if that’s what your wanting it would be fine. I have a bunch of sargentii crabs planted in my shrub strips but they are specifically for birds and to be pollinators.

You can find dolgos and chestnut crabs at most fruit tree nurseries, both great crabs. I think most on here plant bare root trees typically priced around $30ish.

Some popular nurseries talked about here are;

Saint Lawrence
Wildlife Group
Northern Whitetail Crabs

And Turkey Creek who is a member here.
My first suggestion is forget potted trees and buy bare root.
Secondly cummins,stark, grandpas orchard ect. Still time to get some this year but selections will be limited
With real estate, it's location, location, location. With ordering apple trees, it's timing, timing, timing.

The best time to order apple trees is probably September to January. The worst time is right now. Not to say you can't find anything, but the best varieties, on the best rootstocks, are going to be hard to find. Come September start checking the nurseries H20fwler mentions above. You don't have to pay until spring (in most cases), so it does not hurt to shop early. Good luck SWIFFY.
Sugar Tyme seem a lot like Red Splendor and RS are cheaper and easier to find. If you want bird like crabs would go with a few substitutes like Zumi or Red Splendor and go bare root as they can be found at places like Coldstream Farms for under $1.30 ea when you get 25 of the 1-2 ft ones . They grow pretty quick most places. For more deer focused the Dolgos and Chestnuts are good but will drop early.

Some reference pics of a full sized Sugar Tyme from UW Madison Arboretum taken late July time frame

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I know @Turkey Creek had some cancellations because of MN guys being still covered with snow. I think Chris could hook you up this year still of you order by 4/23.

I speak from personal experience, they produce superior stock.

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If you want bird like crabs would go with a few substitutes like Zumi

Humbly disagree with Zumi for the birds. Nice crop of deer apples that hang nicely late.
Step up your game @Jhoss! :emoji_yum:
Beg muh Pard
Beg muh Pard

tongue & cheek man, I understand the weather has us Michiganians down. You have a nice tree there!
Humbly disagree with Zumi for the birds. Nice crop of deer apples that hang nicely late.
Nice tree! Most Zumi are not that big however. They are a great wildlife tree though. I have some "red splendor" pushing 1-3/8 dia too but not typical. When you get bare roots for a buck or two they are not grafted and show some variation. Both zumi and RS hang a long time.

Wish I had a couple doz of trees like yours!
Anything 6 foot and down, and lying on the ground is deer food.
Thanks for all the comments guys! I'm going to get on this earlier next year. I picked up a couple of these for cheap. I guess I'll stick them in the ground a see what happens.
Sugar Tyme is a very highly rated crab apple and is on the top 10 list of 2 well-published crab apple authorities - Michael Dirr is one - the other guy's name escapes me. It's very disease resistant. It gets 1/2" red apples that hang on the tree into winter. Good for birds to eat all winter. I'm picking up a Sugar Tyme in a couple weeks to plant in my back yard. It's not considered a "deer" crab, but all crabs make good pollinators for other apple trees.
They look like they'd have some value to me. I'm going to add a couple.