Stock Market is the bottom in?

I think I started monkeying with it at $3.75

Fidelity gave me a warning about it when I traded it.

But I think lithium needs recycling?

Thanks for reminding me it’s a shaky stock.
In todays market it's hard to find anything that isn't shaky right now.
TSLA and GNK have been treating me good lately. Looks like I'm a bag holder for BBBY.
I did a major overhaul in my portfolio this morning. If the fed is really gonna Thelma and Louise this thing into the great reset (bailout), I wanna be holding quality. I dumped all of my junk stocks this morning (MMM, INTC, and D). I was having flashbacks to the rona attack when junk was outperforming the indices by 3x on the -10% days. Nothing like watching 150 year old industrials lose 30%/day.

Shifted into ACN, TXN, PRU, and a little more KMI. I think all that is happening now is a magnification of the bail-in and fed rescue package that's ultimately going to be needed when the music stops.
They are talking about a FED mandated recession. Looks like they need to force a recession on us now. Experts my ass!
Heaven forbid they would just keep their hands out of it and let the market and economy take care of itself.
Global food shortage is the next agenda coming down the chute. I hope they can convince half of the world to eat bugs---then I can get plenty of steak and potatoes at a decent price. launch the central bank digital currency. It needs to be big enough that there is no practical use for cash ever again. It's gonna be the big dirty to end all big dirties. Strippers are gonna have to have QR codes on their ***** for tips. $100's ain't gonna cut it.
What's wrong with this picture .... inflation numbers just came out 3x higher than expected meaning inflation is happening and is red hot and the White House says there is no inflation. Mortgage rates have doubled and CC interest is 19%. Fed will probably push interest rates to 6% to try and cool spending as too many are trying to chase scarce goods, yet the Gov't is pumping entitlement money out and reducing consumer debt thus keeping people sitting on their couches keeping people people from going back to work (and to buy votes) which would improve the supply chain issues.

Quite the circle jerk ... something is going to break big time. Fed failed by only raising prime 0.25 points as it emboldened folks last time. If the Fed keeps being timid, there will be no soft landing. launch the central bank digital currency. It needs to be big enough that there is no practical use for cash ever again. It's gonna be the big dirty to end all big dirties. Strippers are gonna have to have QR codes on their ***** for tips. $100's ain't gonna cut it.
Swipe your card in the ass crack.
Something has finally gone under. This is a 40-dealership subprime auto retailer and lender.

Something has finally gone under. This is a 40-dealership subprime auto retailer and lender.

Sadly it's probably just the beginning.
What's wrong with this picture .... inflation numbers just came out 3x higher than expected meaning inflation is happening and is red hot and the White House says there is no inflation. Mortgage rates have doubled and CC interest is 19%. Fed will probably push interest rates to 6% to try and cool spending as too many are trying to chase scarce goods, yet the Gov't is pumping entitlement money out and reducing consumer debt thus keeping people sitting on their couches keeping people people from going back to work (and to buy votes) which would improve the supply chain issues.

Quite the circle jerk ... something is going to break big time. Fed failed by only raising prime 0.25 points as it emboldened folks last time. If the Fed keeps being timid, there will be no soft landing.
There was this guy that was always harping on Powell that he didn’t know what he was doing. Wanted to get rid of him. Trump somebody. LOL. He was onto the fact the Fed doesn’t seem to know squat. I really believe the average guy can do better than how the Fed handles things anymore.
Might be a good time to get in on TSLA. The panicky market just caused a $15 dip this morning.
Negative equity in the auto industry is picking up. Used car prices are SLOWLY coming down. People are getting used to paying the higher interest rates and are still buying cars. Even with the prices of cars remaining high. I used to think something had to give soon, but I just don't know anymore. Some banks are laying off reps, but a lot of banks are still buying a lot of paper, even subprime paper. I think the only way it breaks is if people finally get pissed to say enough is enough, but I don't see that happening. Maybe if there are more layoffs...
Negative equity in the auto industry is picking up. Used car prices are SLOWLY coming down. People are getting used to paying the higher interest rates and are still buying cars. Even with the prices of cars remaining high. I used to think something had to give soon, but I just don't know anymore. Some banks are laying off reps, but a lot of banks are still buying a lot of paper, even subprime paper. I think the only way it breaks is if people finally get pissed to say enough is enough, but I don't see that happening. Maybe if there are more layoffs...

The average car loan is now ~6 years long. This means people are buying what they cannot afford, and the depreciation happens fast enough that they cannot sell and break even on what they owe.

Reminds me of the early 80's when automakers started producing high end sports cars (camaro, firebirds, vettes). They only way for kids who could not afford them was to take out 5 year loans. They were very surprised when they tried to sell the car only to learn that they got paid less than what they owned. Sucked to have sold the car and still owe payments on it.

What do you think is going to happen when people have little or no savings, have racked up high CC debt (btw ave cc interest is now 19%), extended car loans, mortgage rates that have almost doubled on homes that they overpaid for ... not sustainable. I think the above could lead to a collision between the Fed and the so called soft landings they are hoping for.

If the fed succeeds in slowing the economy (crashing it is a real possibility) lots of folks are gonna be in a real bind. Banks I am sure are getting real nervous with level of debt.

Hard to slow the economy when people are accelerating purchasing and debt build-up. Things will change and many are not gonna like the ride ...
The average car loan is now ~6 years long. This means people are buying what they cannot afford, and the depreciation happens fast enough that they cannot sell and break even on what they owe.

Reminds me of the early 80's when automakers started producing high end sports cars (camaro, firebirds, vettes). They only way for kids who could not afford them was to take out 5 year loans. They were very surprised when they tried to sell the car only to learn that they got paid less than what they owned. Sucked to have sold the car and still owe payments on it.

What do you think is going to happen when people have little or no savings, have racked up high CC debt (btw ave cc interest is now 19%), extended car loans, mortgage rates that have almost doubled on homes that they overpaid for ... not sustainable. I think the above could lead to a collision between the Fed and the so called soft landings they are hoping for.

If the fed succeeds in slowing the economy (crashing it is a real possibility) lots of folks are gonna be in a real bind. Banks I am sure are getting real nervous with level of debt.

Hard to slow the economy when people are accelerating purchasing and debt build-up. Things will change and many are not gonna like the ride ...
I hear what you’re saying but, I remember my first car loan at 16.5% and we bought the house at 10.5%. Income was only a tiny fraction of now. In my opinion interest rates are no where near high enough to cause significant pain enough to curb spending. Inflation is rough but, not near like it was in the 80’s. I’m afraid it’s going to take way more than people are realizing before it goes the other way. Imagine a new F150 at $62k and 17% over 10 years. I think it’s coming.
It’s not coming, it’s here! I have heard of a bank offer 96 mos loans! Part of the problem came when it was (accurately) reported that there is a shortage of cars due to chip shortage. People who didn’t even need a new car went out and bought one (new or used) because of the “perceived “ shortage. This increased the shortage of cars which then inflated price. I was telling all my family and friends “do not buy a car right now, unless you need one, and if you need one, buy new. if the people who bought used lose their jobs, and this occurs in mass, we are in trouble. If not, we are fine. Banks are not panicing at all. Subprime is still being bought. I only know of one bank that is exiting the car marke. One I know is slowing down, but most are still buying lots of paper.
I'm convinced that the majority of the people in this country don't have a clue how to manage their money and they let it determine how they'll live in the present and into retirement.

Who the hell needs a 3000 sqft house with four bathrooms and a four stall garage? Oh yeah don't forget the giant $70,000 truck to pull the $40,000 camper.

And they want me to forgive their college loan debt. Suck an egg pal.

Learn how to budget your money and live UNDER your means.

Built our house in 1988 while I was earning about $11/hr, interest rate was 10% on the ARM. Only borrowed what we could afford, paid it off early by making extra payments and refinancing to a lower interest rate. Skipped the toys and fancy vehicles. Why go in debt until you're drowning for something that depreciates to nothing in a few years?

As for the banks and auto dealers that are in trouble because they make subprime loans. I think that's criminal activity. Convincing someone to borrow more money than you have the means to repay should be illegal. I won't shed a tear for any of them that go tits up. But I will be pissed when they get a bailout on my dime, GM still owes me a vehicle.