Someone's not happy


5 year old buck +
Looking at recent pics and came across this buck. We don't have any pics of this buck other than these. It wasn't until the second set of pics that I noticed the arrow sticking up in his back.

Looking at the angle of the arrow it looks like an almost straight down shot and had to of just miss the spine. Hit a rib to get that lack of penetration?


Dang, that'd have to be kind of annoying.
Wow, those are some unique pictures.
There are some very unethical people out there. Sad to see

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Holy cow, talk about having a stick in your back. Sure that stings. Tuff SOB

Must be shooting a fairly low poundage, cause by the angle of the arrow it looks to have been a fairly close shot. Not wise.

Unless you have the proper equip an confidence to perform the shot, best just to wait a few more seconds for a better look.
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I can't believe he hasn't broken that off.
Poor shot choice for sure..
That is a shame, nice buck too.
Hopefully he will survive ... not sure why people think it’s ok to take a shot like that.
I've seen quite a few deer with arrows sticking out of them in my 30+ years of hunting. Only a couple looked like they were infected and too weak to make it. I've also clean quite a few that had broad-heads embedded in their spine and where healed over. Very tough critters! I would guess that it was a somewhat new hunter who got excited at the prospect of shooting the biggest deer he had ever seen and took a risky shot. To be honest I've seen a lot of people stretch yardage, take questionable shots, or spend a lot of money to possibly kill the deer of a lifetime. Hopefully the shot resulted in a lesson learned.
I hope you or someone else can take him. I hate to see stuff like that. Better to make a quick clean kill to finish him than to die slowly of infection or starvation if the broadhead cuts into his spine from movement and he suddenly can't walk / defend himself from yotes.
Those are some neat pictures. Its sad that it happens. He'll probably be just fine.... until the next arrow.
It never fails to amaze me how deadly a well placed arrow is and to the contrary it also amazes me how harmless and ineffective a poorly placed arrow can be. I'm sure that buck will be fine.
Pretty sad, but seems to be a tough son of a gun. Hopefully you can take him!!
Great picture, matter of inches and he is dead
I hope you get him.