Slick and supporting cast


5 year old buck +
Had a new buck show up last week. He went by all 6 of our cameras in the area and he even made a daylight appearance. I believe he is only a 3 year old. I think I need to focus more on a couple poorer 3 year olds we have running around and try and let him see another birthday. We noticed a huge increase in buck activity on this part of our farm. The deer seemed to be hammering the apples and clover.

Nice bucks and pics
That last pic almost looks like a jack rabbit on the left.
Doesnt a jackrabbit have super long ears?
Damn that rabbit can get some serious air!
That first buck is a dandy !! Deep brisket/chest - what looks to be a smaller back end. 3.5 at least, I'd say. Good pix.
We figured he is 3.5 years old. My cousin actually passed that buck on Sept. 30th. Said he's after a 160 class 5 year old we have running around.