Several questions


5 year old buck +
Alright guys I have several questions first let me start by saying that no matter what I have to dig these trees up in the next month or two because we are selling our house do I do it now or do I do it when I have two in a month or two on tree A it has one main I believe you guys call it a sucker sticking up out of the tree what do I do with it on tree B it has many suckers what do I do with them
Tree. A. 20170511_191405.jpg
Tree. B. 20170511_191425.jpg
If it was me I would order some rootmaker pots either 5 or 7 gallon.

When they come in dig as much of the trees without damaging the rootstock as much as possible and pot them up.

I would then move them to an area where they get partial sun and water them daily for a free weeks.

Hopefully it doesn't shock them to much and they make it.

As for the suckers I wouldn't trim them until they are dormant.
I agree for the most part. I'd go with as large of a RM container as possible so you can keep as much root ball as possible when you dig it up. I would trim that sucker now. When you dig it up you will lose roots and the tree will be unbalanced. Removing the sucker which you don't want anyway will mean there is less top for the root system to support. Don't fertilize and keep them well watered all summer. Keep them in filtered sun not direct. Hopefully you can get them through the summer.


Agree with large pots and clipping suckers off now. Dig deep and start out a little further than you think you should.