Seedling peach tree


5 year old buck +
My son started this peach tree from a pit, he planted it under a hickory tree at the edge of the woods probably 4 years ago.

The year after he planted the pit he said there was a tree that came up, and sure enough there was, it literally stayed the size of one of the upper branches In the picture for 3 years, even caged, I guess because it was under the hickory.

We dug it up dormant in the spring and moved it to one of my raised beds, the growth this thing put on this season was unreal, we got it dug up and planted today. I had also done bud grafts of pluot and plum to it in August which appear to have taken.

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Nice roots.
Planted two peach saplings at my place this past spring, and don't think I've ever had any trees take off as quickly... guessing they were about 3' tall and 1/2" caliper at the midpoint of the saplings. Best guess is they're now every bit of 2 1/2" caliper and at least 9' tall. Even got a single peach off of one this summer!

Peach trees in the right locations can grow amazingly fast.
I just picked up a couple peach trees today from the local box store. I found one that has a great central leader and thought it was a dandy.

.... then I read how they should be pruned. And it looks like I have a lot of work to do in order to prune it right.
If you are wanting an open center peach tree then just lop it off about waist high next spring. It will send out new main scaffolds that you can train for open center.
I take the modified central leader approach to my peach trees, cutting the central leader off at 8' and going with the open vase shape at that point. The laterals below that are treated as a central leader tree. My peach trees are in the yard so I don't have to worry about the low branches getting chewed on. They are the most vigorous trees I have, and am hoping for a ton of peaches next year.
That is pretty much how I have my other peach trees trained. I got a lot of peaches this year from just two trees.

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