The highlight of the season was being with my 15yo daughter when she dropped her first bow deer. 30yrd broadside. She tracked and field dressed all herself. Proud dad memory.
Property Summary:
* 4 doe and 1 buck shot on our property
* Avg doe field dressed weight was 107lb (compared to 83lb last year)
* The buck we shot was a 3.5yo bully 8pt that weighed 187 field dressed and scored 122”
* Had 3 mature deer to chase throughout the season, but only one encounter.
* Habitat improvements seem to be working. Need to keep refining the mature buck hunting strategy.
* Was able to get teeth from a neighbor to send in with my buck to get them aged.
* Observed 79 bucks and 154 does&fawns from the stand in 92 sits (all hunters). — close to a 1:2 buck to doe ratio sightings.
* 42 stands/blinds on the property and 11 stands were not used this season.
Personal Hunting Summary:
This is the first year that we kept a log of our hunts in a Google form/spreadsheet:
* Had 61 sits and saw:
* 42 - 1.5-2.5yo bucks
* 19 - 3.5-4.5yo bucks
* 1 - 5.5+ yo buck
* 102 does & fawns
* Averaged seeing 2.5 deer per sit.
* Disappointed that I only had 1 encounter with any of our 3 mature deer. Granted, Oct/Nov, I was hunting the largest, but most nocturnal of the deer — daylighting less than 20% since September. But it shows I have some learning gaps to fill in my pursuit of mature bucks.
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