Rootstock and grafting


5 year old buck +
We have about 15 apple trees on our farm and all are 75+ years old. I'm wanting to take scions from some of our really good producing trees and graft onto others. My question is do you buy rootstock specifically to graft to and where to buy from? I'm in west central Wi.
Cummins Nursery, Burnt Ridge, Rain Tree, Grandpas Nursery, all those places to smaller orders.....
Some info for you Boone. Not 100% how far you are from the location, but here is a grafting class in Vernon Co.

The link ^^^ says 2016, but the date for the class is listed as April 1st, 2017, so it might be worth a look?
Thanks Whip, I definitely will consider checking that out. I ordered some rootstock from Cummins, b118, also one Liberty.
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