Red sorrel


5 year old buck +
Was out at the farm today & noticed a weed coming up in the rye..

Slender stem with reddish arrow shaped seeds.

From what I've found online, looks to be red sorrel. Should I just hit with gly or try to over seed with buckwheat & we if it chokes it out?



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Oh the ph is low, hanging around 5. I'm seeing whatever that is, in a lot of fields & yards in the area this year.

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Don't know what it is. But if the top of that stalk in the picture was nipped off by deer I'd leave it be.
Don't know what it is. But if the top of that stalk in the picture was nipped off by deer I'd leave it be.

You know, I just grabbed a stem & hadn't even noticed that it had been was a crazy day, chainsaw messed up right after we got there & cut a few saplings by hand.. but hey, a bad day in the woods is better then a good day at work right?

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If your pH is low... yikes! That's the very first thing I'd address! Get your pH up to around 6.5 or better.