QDMA website


5 year old buck +
Can any one tell what happened to qdma website? why did it they take it down. does mean qdma might go by way side too or are they still going strong. I liked some their articles on food plots. Was not to keen on some of their deer practices ideas.
They ditched the forum, and a lot of people feel they turned their back on us habitat folks. I have an opinion... not going on a rant right now though.

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Can any one tell what happened to qdma website? why did it they take it down. does mean qdma might go by way side too or are they still going strong. I liked some their articles on food plots. Was not to keen on some of their deer practices ideas.

Are you talking about the website or the forum? The website is still up. The forum is long gone.
The forum made them no $$$$$$$$$ so it's gone.
The forum also had people that knew more about deer and habitat than QDMA did. Kind of embarrassing for them. So they did a drive by shooting of the forum.........
And there was some kind of a dust up about Shockey not liking comments about his daughter.
It was a total power play. They could not control the content on the forum. It also wasn't good for business that there was an incredible amount of information available for free. Why pay writers and put out a magazine that was completely inferior to the forum?

On top of that, their sponsors couldn't be happy that most of the veteran plotters would say that BOB (buck on bag, brand name) seed wasn't worth the ridiculous price, because generic seed generally (not always, but mostly) had little to no disadvantages.
I miss the one thread about the guy from Iowa who turned his 80 into prime, and then last year he sold and moved to Colorado.
I miss the one thread about the guy from Iowa who turned his 80 into prime, and then last year he sold and moved to Colorado.

Geo, yeah was really interesting!!
I miss the one thread about the guy from Iowa who turned his 80 into prime, and then last year he sold and moved to Colorado.

Geo, yeah was really interesting!!

GEO, or George, was one of the smartest folks on that site. There are many who are experts in one area such as fruit trees or the chemistry of fertilizers & soils, but they know very little about how to turn that expertise into deer habitat & hunting success. He was able to tie many of the topics that we discuss and are trying to learn about, into a true successful master habitat plan. His "80 Acre Food Plot" thread was a master piece in how it viewed his entire property as a continuum of habitat, bedding, food, transition cover, stand site selection, etc.

He shared a tremendous amount of info with pictures of work on his property and his deer hunting success with mature bucks backed up his efforts. The ability to take all of the info and turn it into a plan that fit his property was impressive and fun to discuss with him.

Magazine only copied what was discussed on the forum. No original stuff. You could read the forum and knew what topic would be in the next quarterly. Don't miss them but hate how its demise split up a lot of good knowledge that now is spread over several different sites. Their loss but more important, loss for the novice looking to start his/her management.
BTW, Geo from Iowa is alive and well and still posting regularly of his adventures in CO.
Magazine only copied what was discussed on the forum. No original stuff. You could read the forum and knew what topic would be in the next quarterly. Don't miss them but hate how its demise split up a lot of good knowledge that now is spread over several different sites. Their loss but more important, loss for the novice looking to start his/her management.
BTW, Geo from Iowa is alive and well and still posting regularly of his adventures in CO.

Where might we find those adventures??
Natty Bumppo , I was talking about the website . I tried to get on the site earlier tonight and nothing came up just a blank page.Don`t know if it is me or the old cumpter. haha
Natty Bumppo , I was talking about the website . I tried to get on the site earlier tonight and nothing came up just a blank page.Don`t know if it is me or the old cumpter. haha

Their website, https://www.qdma.com/, is up and running ... must be you ... I would do a spell check based on your note above ... :emoji_slight_smile:
The website doesn't come up for me either...weird.

"Temporarily down or may have moved to a different location"
Try using chrome or firefox to get onto the qdma site.
Webpage not available when I tried accessing through internet explorer.
Working for me on IE w/win 7.

First (and last) time I've followed that link in a couple years. :emoji_relaxed:

Yeah, I browsed through the other day, very interesting in their "tech help" that they are advocating techniques very similar to LC's mix & rotation . Can tell they pulled alot of ideas from the forum.