Property Access


A good 3 year old buck
I hear a lot about placing your access trails down the property lines. Currently that is how mine are set up. The problem I am having is that the adjacent neighborhood seems to think that my property is a nature preserve for them to come and visit. I have a fence up and it is posted but this just isn't working. I could start prosecuting, which in some cases I will. My thoughts are to move my access 10 to 20 feet inside of my property and leave a buffer between my trail and the fence of blackberry bushes and whatever else comes up. This will hopefully not make it worth it to cross the fence. What are your thoughts?
If it was my neighbor I would talk to him and probably let him use it with some rules. Partly because I get along really well with my neighbor and partly because I want the deer to sense that the access trail is my neighbors property.

If it was my "neighborhood" I'd be prosecuting everyone I caught.
That will make it harder for you to maintain the fence. Fences need to be maintained.

It will also give the appearance that no one ever comes around and does maintenance, so it would likely make trespassing even more appealing.

I keep a path mowed along my boundary fence and put a few cameras up and put signs everywhere. I also make it a point to walk that path when I know that people will see me walking it. I'm not looking for a confrontation but fully prepared for one if it happens....
How are they getting over the fence? Maybe you need a couple more strands.If the fence/signs isn't stopping them I think you need to have a conversation with them. Explaining you will prosecute.
I don't have a fence but my signs state: WILL PROSECUTE

Walking property line dressed as your avatar should do the job

Lol, I admit my avatar is slightly creepy.
Along with the no trespass signs, maybe post some signs stating property is under hidden camera surveillance with immediate cell phone notification?
If these are your friends or people that will respect your propery line talk to them and warn any next time trespass you will prosecut or just prosecute, if you don't eventually prosecute nothing will change. You won't make any friends(I don't consider people trespassing to be people I want to be friends with) but if you didn't buy your property to make friends and you put your blood, sweat, and worries into the property then prosecuting is just a further extension of you taking care of your property.
I would hinge cut the edge so thick they could not see in. Then put your access trail just inside of the hinge cut. Good luck with whatever you do.
If it was my neighbor I would talk to him and probably let him use it with some rules. Partly because I get along really well with my neighbor and partly because I want the deer to sense that the access trail is my neighbors property.

If it was my "neighborhood" I'd be prosecuting everyone I caught.
Bill, I have let some use my property with certain rules. It seems that no one knows how to follow the rules. One asked to go and look around I told him that was fine just do it in the summer because I hunt. I found out later that he went during deer season. Another, I was letting her and her daughter ride horses. I asked that they let me know before they did because I might be hunting. I also said not to go on the other neighbors property that joins us without checking with him. They broke both of those rules plus took about 6 other people with them across mine and the neighbor's to a cave. This was while I was hunting. I found out later. It would be fine if people could follow simple rules. These are the neighbors that I am friends with I won't even get into the bad ones.

With that added info you really don't have a choice as they have already shown what they will do when you give them rules to follow to go on to your land. Nothing will change unless you change your consequence or lack of.
I'm with Willy. If their taking the assumed position of "Oh, Al won't mind". It's time to lock the gates.
I use cable gates with a "no trespassing private property " sign hanging in the middle and put a couple cinder blocks in drive at turn ins. And I post the property well, and if anyone trespasses I act like a pit bull with a belly ache and run them off hard, if they are hunting I hold them for the law.
It sounds to me like you have the "give em and inch they'll take a mile" thing going on. I'd have a positive, friendly but firm conversation saying that you value the good relationship with all of your neighbors but moving forward you'll be limiting access to everyone on your property due to some trespassing issues.
Bill, I have let some use my property with certain rules. It seems that no one knows how to follow the rules. One asked to go and look around I told him that was fine just do it in the summer because I hunt. I found out later that he went during deer season. Another, I was letting her and her daughter ride horses. I asked that they let me know before they did because I might be hunting. I also said not to go on the other neighbors property that joins us without checking with him. They broke both of those rules plus took about 6 other people with them across mine and the neighbor's to a cave. This was while I was hunting. I found out later. It would be fine if people could follow simple rules. These are the neighbors that I am friends with I won't even get into the bad ones.

What I have found is that all people hear is "Yes" - the rest is bla, bla, bla.......... If they are friends - then they should respect the rules. Do they know when hunting season is? Some folks don't. Some will take it literally - and will still enter the day before. Define - no access from September thru December or something that falls in line with what YOU want. I tried the whole - "inform me" route - and that doesn't work, because they never do. I put a stop to that as well. With everyone having a cell phone today a simple call or text is too much to ask for! I try to be neighborly, but what I have found is often times the neighbors don't know what neighborly is.
Bill, I have let some use my property with certain rules. It seems that no one knows how to follow the rules. One asked to go and look around I told him that was fine just do it in the summer because I hunt. I found out later that he went during deer season. Another, I was letting her and her daughter ride horses. I asked that they let me know before they did because I might be hunting. I also said not to go on the other neighbors property that joins us without checking with him. They broke both of those rules plus took about 6 other people with them across mine and the neighbor's to a cave. This was while I was hunting. I found out later. It would be fine if people could follow simple rules. These are the neighbors that I am friends with I won't even get into the bad ones.

Given all you've said, here is what I think I would do. First I'd write a letter and send it to all of the folks whom you've given permission. The letter would be very polite and simply say that in the past, you have given permission to a number of friends and neighbors to use your property under certain circumstances with guidelines. Recently you have realized that you have overextended yourself a bit granting access to the point where it is having a negative impact on your own recreational use of your land. For now, you are rescinding all permission you have granted for others to use your land. Say you plan to take a year or two to see how this affects the wildlife on your land. After that, folks are welcome to ask permission to use your land again and you will be happy to look at each case and grant written permission again where appropriate.

Next, I would put up posted signs.

Anyone who trespasses after receiving this letter deserves to be prosecuted or at lest confronted depending on your relationship with them. Then take that year or two and see if it really makes any difference to you. If so, when folks start asking permission again, grant it for those you deem appropriate but grant it in writing. Include any guidance as to when, how, etc. they may use it. When something is in writing, folks take it more seriously.

My guess is that in the end, you will get your message across without causing bad blood with neighbors and you may even end up with better understandings of each other and better relationships.

Also, consider adding your general location to your profile. For example, if you were in my state, I could provide much more specific guidance on the laws and tools and how to use them effectively. It is also important information for answering questions on foodplots and trees and such.


Thanks for the replies. It has been frustrating the last couple of years.
Sounds like you need a sign.
I used to give permission for people to enjoy
the outdoors on my land but they screwed it up for
everyone.No Tresspassing and No warnings!!!
Sounds like you need a sign.
I used to give permission for people to enjoy
the outdoors on my land but they screwed it up for
everyone.No Tresspassing and No warnings!!!

Signs don't do much. Every trespasser that I have ever caught never saw the signs or the bright orange they say. I don't even take friends hunting anymore because if you tell them not to do something they end up doing it. I have taken a couple that just wanted to kill a doe, put them in a good spot, tell them where the deer will come from and to wait because they will come within 50 yards of the stand and both of them took some crazy shot either too far or through a bunch of brush and wounded a deer that we never found. So basically now if someone starts talking about wanting to hunt sometime I just change the subject. I hate to be like that.
Worst part about owning land is trespassers and folks that simply don't respect what you are giving them access to.