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Propagating rootsuckers - Air Pruning


5 year old buck +
Following Prof. Kent’s lead. I cut the bottoms out of roottrapper bags and filled with potting mix.
Tied these to the tree to stabilize and scarred the up with a round file.
Watered them heavy.
Oh, yeah - grafted the tops over to some good eaters too. This fall I hope to have some roots on these!
Just keep them watered and you are in business!
How long does it take to get roots?
They will start in a few weeks. Let them grow all summer, cut off from tree and re-pot or store in the ground to plant next Spring. Protect from winter mice/voles/rabbits.
Just some thoughts on air pruning: Success is based on the willingness of the specific kind of tree to root. Trees like apples will root readily. Trees like persimmons take much longer to root if at all. The further south you are, the better your chances for success. Roots in bags above ground will freeze easily and die. Shorter growing seasons allow less time for root development. The more readily a tree roots the further north you can have success. This can also be done with branches, not just suckers. One trick I've seen (but not done myself) is to constrict the branch with a wire prior to injury and applying the medium. The constriction presumably causes auxin to be stored there increasing rooting.

Good looking project!

Prof.Kent, what would be the ideal timing to cut free from the tree... fall as the tree goes dormant? Have some ornamental crabs I may well try this on.
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What is "Professor Kent's lead?"

Where did you get this idea? Did he describe this in a previous post?

I hope yours do well I’m attempting something similar I hope it works and we get free trees out of the deal. I’m considering covering the open pot part with aluminum foil to retain moisture.

Cool idea using rebar to brace the container on a branch. I've seen folks use plastic wrap or soda bottles on branches. Some of the oldest forms of this simply bent a long low branch from a mature tree down into a hole in the ground and the hole was then filled with soil. I understand the figs air layer pretty well.


I hope to propagate some larger sized European hazelnut this way once they get a couple years on them. I have American hazelnut throwing seed now but the nuts are so small I dont see them as idea to propagate.
What is "Professor Kent's lead?"

Where did you get this idea? Did he describe this in a previous post?


Search for Jhoss B118 rootsuckers
Status Report: two out of three grafts alive ain’t bad. The other guy thrashed himself against the cage trying to shake off the unwanted tenant. His body will endure another attempt (t-bud) come Aug 1rst.
Very interesting info in this thread.
This is some interesting stuff.. God sure gave us plenty to tinker with in this OL world didn’t he!