prep for fall brassica


Yearling... With promise
have a 1/2 acre that was brassica last year. this spring i disked and seeded with oats, which is growing good but is 25% goldenrod if i let it grow until mid july will there be too much thatch to do a throw and mow for brassica or should i mow it at some point. thanks
I don't know if there is such a thing as too much thatch. I did have to mow a plot twice when I had a super thick plot of winter rye and various clovers and 'weeds'. Had to go east/west and then north/south to chop the thatch up and get it spread evenly. I do just have a riding mower though.

This is the last footage I have of my plot, a week before mowing.
After first mowing.
And after last mowing.
I plant into last fall's rye/cereal grains and don't do anything to the plot until early part of July then I brodcast the brassica seed into the rye, grass and weeds and then roll it and spray it, I'll come back in Aug and maybe hit it with some Urea if they look like they need it.



Doing nothing is the easy answer. Thanks. You have way more growth then i do already. It borders my clover so some cover will be nice