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Potted grafts from this year


5 year old buck +
I have a dozen or so grafted trees from this spring still in pots. What do you do with them so they don’t die over winter? Zone 4

Either plant them or dig holes for the pots and "plant" the pots. Whatever you do, make sure you protect them from rodents.
So planting is option #1.
is there an option #2 ? I just don’t have the space, time, or resources to protect every tree. Could just be 50 rootstocks was a bit aggressive and I will have to take some losses.
Get screen on each one.
Put them all close together touching pile some dirt up around them over pots, run fence around the whole group.
I have an enclosed garden that I sink pots into each fall. This year will be 9 chestnut trees and 4 pears. Then plant in the spring.
Window screen the trunks of each at least above some lower buds above any grafts; Heel them in the ground (in pots), in a bunching; Rabbit screen the lot.... Pull pots when you want to plant next year - done deal. Same as above advice. I do 50 to a hundred per year that way. Your protected from the cold and from the critters. If you like paint the trunks white.