Pond dredgings spread on food plots


5 year old buck +
The lake a cross the road from me is being drawn down and dredged. I found out they are going to be dumping the dredged material on an abandoned lot down the road from my property. That got me thinking. My soil is very sandy and could use an OM boost. I was thinking of contacting the lake association to see if I could get the material dumped on my food plots.
Might work out well. I volunteered and help plant some trees at High Cliff State Park a few years ago. It was in an area that they had spread a bunch of the dredging from working on the boat harbor. Sandy but lots of other stuff aka "goop". Have a friend who volunteers a bunch of time there and hear trees up in that spot are growing really well.
What they pull out might not be much better than what you've already got.

If you could get the weeds, that'd be a good deal. I'd talk to the town board or roads supervisor about it and explain your intent. They might love you for it. Being left with only clean sand is a plus from their end.
My entire backyard is pond dredgings. Quite nice.