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Please Cyber Scout - Offer QDM suggestions! Thanks!!


5 year old buck +
I have recently gained access to a 110 acre farm in Pennsylvania, that is separated by a pretty busy/fast road. The huge field to the North of the road with the red dot is 680yds wide x 375 long max. This year the farmer is planting corn, and a strip of alfalfa in that field. The lower field with the orange dot is 330yds wide x 115 yards long, and will be corn as well. To the left of that field will also be corn! The middle of this southern section is a pond and a food plot that we are putting in. This southern half is 48 total acres. Further south it is all timber, dropping lower in elevation until it hits another small property, and then it hits a small lake, muck, swampy area. The lake, as I am told by a few local trappers, is impenetrable, and full of snakes. I wanted to check it out from the southern train track access, but the land owner whom I am friends with, told me it's a jungle and very tough to walk.

The yellow dot is our new food plot which is a 1/4 acre to give you some scale. We planted a brassica mix last year, it seemed to get attention in February haha. Pond is about a 1/2 acre in size. NorthWest of the pond, where the road meets the hard left angle of the property border, we have an open area to plant a food plot, but what are your suggestions?

I met another member of this great forum who is going to help us do some TSI as well, but wanted to get a few more opinions. His handle NEPA QDMA and he is full of great knowledge!

To the left of the pond we want to once again plant a foodplot, but what type?

Obviously we have a lot of AG, but we would love to plant some kill plots. Where and what are you suggestions? We can work with the farmer to utilize his machines and use some of our AG that he is renting from us. NEPAQDMA suggested hinging a bunch of trees on the southern end of the property. Hunting this section of timber is very hard from an access standpoint. Actually, hunting this property in general is hard from an access standpoint.

A forester is coming in this year to take out about $80K worth of Timber, there are a lot of trees marked! So that is good.....?

Blue Dots - neighbor sniper rifle towers
Red Dot - Northern Field (Corn and a strip of Alfalfa)
Orange Dot - Southern Field (Corn)
Yellow Dot - Food Plot (Brassicas last year)
Green Line - Border
White dashes - some light hinging





Topo Lines 20ft! Pond for reference in the middle.

Topo lines are 40ft lines! Pond for reference in the middle.

Here is a huge poster I designed for the property owner! No, we aren't sponsored but I thought the logos looked cool!
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Looks like morning sun, I'd probably go with clover. The attraction will be the location. When pressure hits I'd expect bedding in the creek bottom to your south. You small field on the way to the AG is a place where deer can grab a quick bite while they are waiting for enough darkness to venture into the open. Of course if the deer bed right in the corn, there is not much you can do.

Plant it in the fall with a Winter Rye cover crop.

That would be my first thought,

Form the looks of the Nieghbor's stand sites I would say the deer are using your track a lot.
Yes, the neighbors are the complete opposite of all things QDM, but thankfully do not bowhunt that much. But come first day of rifle it's a warzone.

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