Plant id's?


5 year old buck +

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Where are you located at?
That second picture is an American Bittersweet vine.
The first picture might be red osier dogwood.
After looking those two up on the Internet I would say you nailed the American bittersweet and probably the dogwood too. I don't have another pic of the dogwood but it's not red everywhere like other's in pics. Mine looses it red away from the end of the branches.

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After looking those two up on the Internet I would say you nailed the American bittersweet and probably the dogwood too. I don't have another pic of the dogwood but it's not red everywhere like other's in pics. Mine looses it red away from the end of the branches.

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I would agree that the top picture looks to be red osier dogwood. If it produces white berries that would help to confirm.
I think it did about a month ago. I remember something in that area with white berries, not 100% sure it was that particular plant though. Are they edible? (The dogwood, not the bittersweet)

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I agree, the top one is a dogwood, which one is the question.

The opposite leaves are a dead give away.

I'm leaning toward pagoda dogwood but that's just a guess. Doesn't look like redosier to me but I could be wrong.

Google "dogwood pith" to see how to narrow it down.

Keep us posted.

Haven't done anything with pith id yet, but according to what is suppose to be in Kansas it's looking like it could be Rough Leaf Dogwood.
If it is red at the branch ends and gets gray/brown as you get to older wood, there is a very good chance it could be rough leaf or any one of 3 or 4 others, including gray dogwood and silky dogwood. Silky has darker berries IIRC though? My "best guess" would be gray dogwood.
If it is red at the branch ends and gets gray/brown as you get to older wood...
Bingo! Red at the ends but not the main truck and branches.
If it is the same shrub that had berries a few weeks ago, they were very light/white.
Virginia Tech Dendro site states ROD = white pith, Silky = salmon-colored pith, Gray = tan/light brown pith..........
Some ROD pics for comparison with the berries shown. I just whacked these cause the stuff grows all around my yard and this was blocking my polebuilding sliding door on one side (my land where I live is surrounded on 3 sides with ditching to the neighboring farm field). Near the base some are green or more brown depending on age but notice the white inside.
DSC00103 (Medium).JPG DSC00102 (Medium).JPG
I agree, the top one is a dogwood, which one is the question.

The opposite leaves are a dead give away.

I'm leaning toward pagoda dogwood but that's just a guess. Doesn't look like redosier to me but I could be wrong.

Google "dogwood pith" to see how to narrow it down.

Keep us posted.


Virginia Tech Dendro site states ROD = white pith, Silky = salmon-colored pith, Gray = tan/light brown pith..........

Ok guys, what is Pith?

Edit: found the answer to my question here:

"pith is in the center of the twigs"