Photos that bring a good feeling to myself


5 year old buck +
We planted brassicas for 5 years without the deer even nibbling on them. Last year the deer seemed to have found them and we had pretty good success with them. I was hoping this year they would hit them even harder and that last year wasn't just a fluke. Well I went to check cameras yesterday and I saw the acre of brassicas tore up with sign. The pictures didn't disappoint either. I've had people tell me brassicas couldn't compete with standing beans or corn but it looks likes they can.


Excellent, Gunther !! Great pix and results. Albino & piebald deer in the one pic ?? Nice herd working in your area there. A couple nice " leftovers " on the buck side of the roster. Thanks for posting.

My camp's first 2 years of brassica plantings didn't get much attention. The last couple years, they tear into them starting in late October. Our plots look like yours - with lots of sign. We have the brassica plot right next to a WW / WR mixed plot. Lots of back & forth use.
Yeah we have 9 of the stupid white deer roaming our area.
Awesome pics..
Great pictures. Thanks for sharing!
Great pics. I'd check that plot over real good for sheds. Better then a tire finding them.
Great pictures, those white deer are cool.
Can you guys shoot the albinos and piebalds where you are? I see there is a couple in the deer clearing the field picture.
We can't shoot albino or pure white deer. I'd say half of them have a brown dot somewhere on there body making them a legal deer to harvest.