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5 year old buck +
Last spring was a total bust on the pear trees.
Frosts and freezes at the worst time.
Looks like it might be a different story this year. Fingers crossed and praying for continued good temps. SW PA.

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Looking good. Ours were like that a few days ago and we went through a night that went down to 22 degrees. We took a hit but looks like not a total pear failure. Good luck.
Wow - I’m on year four with my first trees but only three of them have a chance to bloom this year I think. One of them has just a couple blooms today. The others are only on their second year. If I’ve got blooms anything like yours in the next couple of years I’ll be thrilled. Keep us posted when they start showing some fruit.
I’ll say!
I noticed ours were starting to bloom here the other day too....they are not as showy as yours are yet, those look great!
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Those pears have some great outward limbs. Good luck with the weather. Put the snow plow back on and hope for the best.
Great pear bloom pictures Tap. Could be a huge crop.
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In past years, if these trees were in full bloom for this many days without a frost, then they were good to go. Almost too good. These trees get so heavy with fruit the branches cannot handle the weight. 2 years ago they were like that...almost self destruct.
The pollinators seem to be a little light this year. Very few honey bees, but there are some other flying critters working the flowers. I have a feeling that it's going to be a bumper crop.
Tap ... those look great!
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What do you guys consider the best disease resistant pear trees for hunting? I know the big thing with pears is the fire blight. What would you pear growers consider?
What do you guys consider the best disease resistant pear trees for hunting? I know the big thing with pears is the fire blight. What would you pear growers consider?


And from WG;
Ms Lanene
Gilmer Christmas

I love pears
I love pears

Jury is still out for me. I have 10 now, but 6 from TWG are 4th leaf this spring. The better ones are neck and neck with my best growing apple (Enterprise), but nothing on either team has fruited yet. Will be interesting to see which ones jump out in front this year. I haven’t had disease problems on much of anything as I generally picked DR apples the 1st time around.

And from WG;
Ms Lanene
Gilmer Christmas

I love pears
I have a couple of Keiffers and a Moonglow from Lowes planted in 2019 and they all have lots of pears growing right now. My Dr Deer Pear and NativNurseries "wild deer pears seedlings " were planted the same time but havent produced yet.
Here's what a few of the trees look like right now. The pics don't do it justice. There are a lot more pears than can be seen in the photos.
They are absolutely loaded with pears. I'm sure that some of the branches will break when the fruit gets heavier. I've tried shaking them, but its a little early for that, not many pears would shake-off.

The deer are already going nuts over them. Every evening they are standing on hind legs to reach these immature pears. I can imagine my 5 mini pear orchards will be a deer magnet in October.

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