Pear tree?


5 year old buck +
I was told a month ago by the original farm owner that there used to be a pear tree on a certain ridge on the property we bought last spring. After searching last weekend I found this tree....sorry for the poor photo. Can anyone say with any degree of confidence that this is a pear? It was the only tree on that ridge with white blooms. If not I will try to get better photos this weekend. The tree is at least 25ft tall.

If confirmed I will have to cut at least 2 large red cedars (and maybe a box elder) that are crowding it out.


Thanks. I plan to cut the competition....I am lucky no nice oaks are next to it. Pretty happy since up until recently I thought we had zero fruit trees...with all the pears and crabapples I have ordered this tree will have some company at least. Here is the only other photo I have of of photo you can just see some white blossoms at the top

  1. Thanks. I will do as you suggested and hopefully find more this weekend