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Pea varieties for up North (summer annual)


5 year old buck +
I am looking for a pea/pole bean that will put on pods in a Northern Climate. I was planning on Iron Clay Cow Peas but upon further research discovered they are a LONG season plant and will not put on pods for my area. Does anyone have a suggestion?
I planted 4010 peas in spring a few time. They produced a ton of pods. The strange thing was they got about 2 1/2 feet tall and I never saw any browsing. When I went up 3 weeks later and there was not a single plant left in the 1/4 acre plot I didn't till under.
I agree with 4010 field peas - they are really good and they produce tons of pods. The peas actually taste pretty good too when they are small.

I prefer to add them to a mix that includes oats and maybe some sunflowers, milo, etc. The peas can really get tall, but they tend to get top heavy and fall over if there isn't anything nearby to add a little structure/strength.
They will be in a mix. Any other viable options?
They will be in a mix. Any other viable options?
In the fall I mixed the peas in a blend of wr/ww/oats. Planted in early August the biggest I seen one was about 6 inches long. They hammer them before they get a chance to grow. It will be interesting to see what happens to them if planted in the summer. You might hit it right since when I planted in spring ( no browsing) and fall( heavy browsing).
I was going to plant iron clay cow peas, buckwheat and Peredovik Sunflower this spring for my early season plot.
Im in Connecticut, I didn’t realize these peas were a long season.
I was going to plant iron clay cow peas, buckwheat and Peredovik Sunflower this spring for my early season plot.
Im in Connecticut, I didn’t realize these peas were a long season.
If you just want the peas for the greens you will be ok. I want something that produces grain.