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Out-In vs In-Out movement for propety setup


5 year old buck +
I asked this on another forum, I'll try here...

I'm sure this has been covered but it's hard to do a search. Any opinions on food in the center of the property and bedding surrounding it vs bedding in the center and having the deer move to the edges where the food is? The problem I have is my neighbors on all four sides. They are justing waiting for the deer to pop out. I find myself leaning towards getting the deer to work toward the center of the property to protect them till dark where they can disperse.

I have a 30 acre field dead center surrounded by woods and swamps. I am convinced I need to convert the 30 acre of tillable to mostly switch and little bit of food. I know monocultures of switch are a controversial topic but in big Ag country by me they absolutely flock to them after harvest and gun season opens.
Seems like a smart plan, but would limit your ability to hunt most sides of your center.

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I would need more information before making a judgement. Do you have a satellite image of the area with property boundaries?

I understand your dilemma, but food right next to cover sounds like you might never see them. I would still probably go for patches of shrubs and trees within the switch.

Are you planning to hunt it with a rifle from a tower?
It would be more along the lines of a 2-3 acre opening within the center of the switch that would flow to two other winding food plots coming out of established bedding areas to the east and west. Basically this would be the biggest plot but not big enough to call a destination plot. When it's all said and done I would have three separate bedding areas connected-ish with green attractive food . My property is bordered on the south by a road and that is my access. I would enter from there and overlook this switchgrass field and plot from a tower blind on a berm. The access part is covered.
Sounds pretty cool. I would go ahead and make it a destination plot if you can. Is there any ag around you?
Nothing but Ag. I have all the cover -which isn't really all that much - just debating how to making more.
Ohhhhh, nice! Then I think your plan sounds really good.

Let them bed and stage on your place and then head out to the ag after dark?
It's the whole food within the bedding area or leave it all security cover debate.
Well it sounds like your situation requires food near the bedding to prevent the deer wandering over to trigger happy neighbors before dark. If your goal is to gather the local herd on your property during gun season in order to protect them, then I think your plan is pretty solid.
Personally I’d plant switch or whatever heavy cover works well for your area with fruit and nut trees interspersed throughout the area with maybe a central destination plot at core. The deer will still roam onto the neighbors properties but you may hold them longer. I would think it could have the effect of being more difficult for you to hunt it but it could just as easily make it better hunting for yourself.
Personally I’d plant switch or whatever heavy cover works well for your area with fruit and nut trees interspersed throughout the area with maybe a central destination plot at core. The deer will still roam onto the neighbors properties but you may hold them longer. I would think it could have the effect of being more difficult for you to hunt it but it could just as easily make it better hunting for yourself.
And in theory, once you have the fruit and nut trees established, you are not going to be entering that area like you would to maintain a food plot.

I would also add things that will provide food and cover, namely shrubs that will form some diverse thickets. I am thinking about things like American plums and hazelnuts. This is essentially what I did with our home farm and what I am in the process for doing on the one we just purchased. It wouldn't take many for the size of an area you are talking.
Instantly sub’d to this thread.

Generically speaking, based on YouTube free habitat layout prescription, it’s best to have bedding on the interior and food on the accessible exterior with the attempt to provide secure sanctuary for residents and a buck that becomes attracted to your parcel.

I think YouTube is like looking up an ailment on webmD. You start for a little intel and end with it’s not worth living through the eminent struggles ahead.

Everything is relative. Do your neighbors hunt the lines? Is there good access/egress along them? How does topography lend itself and what about big picture travel?

The key is simple- give them everything they need and never let them know they’re being hunted. That last stipulation can be done m a number of ways but I would take human intellect over habitat layout everytime in a bet. Mature bucks do not read a script.

A tangental thought is one large bedding area has its problems. A predator, poacher, wrong wind, or buck that is the only swinging D in a bar full of drunk ladies … can all be bad.
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Forgot to hit my strategy point- if your property lends itself to the prerut,chasing/seeking phases- you want to be downwind if the bedding. Being down wind of food is typically fruitless as the does rather hide than feed when every boy is in the mood.

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I have both exterior food and interior. I’d take a hidden off the beaten path interior plot any day over the exterior if access is easy. Sounds like you have that covered.
I have both exterior food and interior. I’d take a hidden off the beaten path interior plot any day over the exterior if access is easy. Sounds like you have that covered.
Do you find any evidence of this interior food plot affecting where your bucks bed?
Do you find any evidence of this interior food plot affecting where your bucks bed?

There was alway food there in the form of some crops. So they’re probably bedding where they always did. What I do notice is bucks in a feeding pattern will come out earlier in these hidden areas. So long as they don’t feel pressured.
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