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One year old cleft graft


5 year old buck +
I dug this liberty on mm111 from my raised bed today, my grafts are never the prettiest when grafted, but seem to heal over nice.

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Those look pretty to me - they're alive!! They looks exactly right Mahindra, nice job. Ouch.... I am 2 for 10, so I am envious of your skills.
Beautiful. I can’t wait to start trying some of those...

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A thing of Beauty! :emoji_thumbsup:
Yep, perfect!

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I also like the cleft grafts. Any grafted tree that survives is good enough-
I showed a cleft graft just like that to my 7 year old last night while digging up some trees for transplanting. She wondered about the buddy tape I was removing from it. I told her the tape was what I used to hold the graft together last spring and pointed out how it healed so she could see the different bark of the scion and rootstock.
Very nice graft! It took well..:emoji_thumbsup:
Thank you, I dont even try whip and tongue anymore! Cleft all the way!

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