One tough apple!


5 year old buck +
I found this apple tree at work last week doing transmission inspections. There were a couple hawthorn that looked the same. I thought it was pretty neat, and must have taken years to get past the browsing pressure. Almost seems armoured now. It has grown out the top and looks like it fruits. I thought it might be a witches broom but I think it is repeated browsing. I chased 9 deer down the ROW for most of the day.IMG_20170321_124342.jpg IMG_20170321_124338.jpg IMG_20170321_124358.jpg
I think you're right about the browsing. We have 2 crabapple trees at my camp that have root sprouts / suckers from the base of the trees and the same thing happened to our trees - but not like THAT pic !!!! Ours are to a very slight degree like that pic. The new growth gets " stubbier " and gnarly as the deer keep nipping them. Your pic is about 100 times more severe than ours !!!

Very cool pic ....... thanks for sharing.

Transmission inspections ????? Are you one of those warm-truck-riding lineman types ???? :emoji_grinning::emoji_stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: I'm in the electrical construction field too.
I've never seen anything like that, very interesting. Just when you think you've seen it all... boom, you haven't! Thanks for sharing.
If that wasn't from browse pressure that would make a very interesting contorted Apple for ornamental purposes.
"Self caging apple tree" - you could sell it to Morse nursery and make a million dollars!

That is bazar!
Bnb, no not a truck loving linesman, lol, small forestry services guy, we started doing some veg management years ago and now do all kinds of stuff for the power company. Funny how everytime I get near civilization someone has done those spans and structures, I think I know who!
John I will send you some scions for half that much and you can do with them what you please