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One of my most interesting pictures - Transferred From QDMA Forums


5 year old buck +
I usually don't post pictures here except for analysis and answering questions and the like. I just couldn't help but to share this one.

If you look closely, you can see that snake is headed toward the turkey poult:

I don't see a snake either, just young turkeys in the grass.
Looks to me like the deer may only have 3 legs though
I see no snake just a young turkey and I think I see 4 legs on the deer.(INTERNAL IMAGE LIKE EMOTICON REMOVED)
Cool picture none the less.
I see three turkeys, three turkey poults and a three legged deer but no snake. Cool picture.
Pretty neat Jack.
One year I had a pair of hens w/ 17 poults that habituated to me, and I could follow them around my farm at a respectful distance (no closer than 30 yds). I learned a lot on how protective hens are, and I see that alertness in your pic.
I see three poults, three turkeys and a 4 legged deer. If you look close the deer has the two hind legs together and his left rear leg is partially covered by grass. The circled object appears to be a poult to me. (INTERNAL IMAGE LIKE EMOTICON REMOVED)
Nice pics and wildlife either way.(INTERNAL IMAGE LIKE EMOTICON REMOVED)
3 big turkeys, 3 little turkeys and 4 legs. At first I thought 3 legs...(INTERNAL IMAGE LIKE EMOTICON REMOVED)
thats a great pic!
I can't believe no one bit on that. I just thought it was cool how the two poults look like a snake serpenting through the grass (INTERNAL IMAGE LIKE EMOTICON REMOVED) When I first looked at the picture, that is exactly what I thought it was. I had to do a double take.
That is an awesome picture!
Doesn't anyone else see Elvis back in the woods??
Good Picture Yoder! Nothing wrong with a little imagination.
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I see no snake and 3 legs. :)

Yes, when I first looked at the picture, the body of one poult in the foreground and the head of a second just behind it almost looked like a large snake approaching the third poult. I had to do a double take. I was interested to see how many folks could see the "snake" and how many couldn't. There is dog hunting for deer with buckshot in our area. Unfortunately dog hunters shooting at running deer with buckshot make for a lot of wounded animals that frequently lose limbs.


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