

5 year old buck +
I have been hunting the last 3 days. I am sitting on edge of food plot. I have saw lots of deer including bucks. Most of the shooters have been at or just before closing time. I have saw very little chasing. A buck will come into plot, move towards the does and then start feeding. I am not seeing the chasing like others have been reporting. Maybe it is just that I am farther north than most of you. Might take a break today as my back is killing me from sitting in stand so much.
I'm in southern Juneau County and had chasing yesterday and some chasing again this morning. The biggest buck chasing was around 120" but the rest were pretty small.

The only big buck I saw was during the last half hour of shooting light.

I'm sitting on a small ridge between bedding and a food plot.
The last 3 days I've went out at noon and sat till dark, all 3 days I've seen bucks chasing does from the momnet I've got in the stand. Granted most of these bucks are small but there have been 2 shooters. Going to try a doe decoy this afternoon and see how it works.
I'm with you Tom (albeit I didn't see a deer for 2 days) but today I saw 3 different bucks, walk right by does... They looked but sure didn't chase. I would call it more cruising. Looking for trouble if you will.

The only chasing I've seen is a spike running a doe. It was more like extended bumping than a flat out chase.

The strange thing I've seen in the last 2 days that I can't figure out is does going solo. I've seen 4 doe in different places all by themselves. 2 even bedded alone. If they were in heat you'd think the Boy Scouts would be after them. ???
I haven't seen any chasing. Most of the does I saw this past week were still toting fawns along with them. I had a doe and fawn under me the other night for 1 hour and figured a buck would come and nose around but nothing showed up. My alfalfa plot cam showed two scrub bucks eating with does and fawns the other night, just like it was September. Hardly any scrapes or rubs at all. I checked an area this morning that is usually tore up with scrapes and rubs and there was nothing.
All our action has been in thick, prime, habitat. When I've moved outside of the prime habitat, the quality of hunts have decreased. That's why I am such a critic of sanctuaries. Especially on small properties.
Yesterday our target buck was locked into a doe. Never say him chasing once. Today he's running around like crazy. I have a suspicion he's on at least dos number 2.
Quality habitat=prime hunting.