New clover plot forgotten


Yearling... With promise
Planted this plot last fall in a mix of rye, peas, radish and clover. Did great last year and was a top plot for deer sightings. Fast forward to July 22 while out mowing trails and plots I stopped to mow this plot and totally forgot I planted clover last fall. Weeds were 5ft high but hiding under it was a great stand of clover. Mowed and came back to check it out today and was pretty surprised how well it did. Wish I would've taken before pics....


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Nice stand of clover
Looks great!
I would fertilize & throw down a couple bags of lime in the plot and would frost seed in March of 2018
Beautiful! Clover is pretty relisent! Fertilize with a no nitrogen fertilizer like 0-20-20 or 0-25-25 and watch her explode this fall. Keep mowing it about once or twice a year. Good luck.
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Looks like it has been babied. Clover is tough.