My first giant!


5 year old buck +
4 years of plots and cameras and I finally got a pic of a true giant. This deer's rack is twice as big as any I have previously had a pic of. Hopefully he likes what he found on his tour. I almost fell out of my chair when I saw him. Sorry for pic quality, they are phone pics of computer screen.

I was also have this guy hanging around. He has been a regular for three years now. He has a pretty regular feeding pattern and I know he lives in the swamp across the road on the neighbors. Last year he had a nice rub line going and coming. He is considered a stud for my area. He better pay attention he doesn't have the clover plot to himself anymore.
Looks like the work might be starting to pay off. If you don't get him this fall, hopefully he'll find a safe spot to hole up on your place.
Good looking buck, it's nice to see your work paying off. Good luck with him.
I hope to see a follow up thread in the happy hunters section in a couple of months. Great bucks.
Good to see your hard work and patience are paying off. Good luck in the pursuit!
Makes it all worth it doesn't it? Nice deer!
Good work Chum.
Good for you. Isn't it nice to see your work pay off. Hope he sticks around for ya.
Thanks guys. It is amazing what one picture does for moral. I was pretty down this year with only a couple deer using my place. The last two winters have nearly wiped out the entire population in my area. This gives me motivation to hold the line and keep preparing for when the population rebounds.
Good luck, hope u get him!
thats an awesome buck Chummer! he has some very cool features and character! hoping you get a crack at him this fall man!
Pics like those are what get your butt out of bed on those cold, dark mornings!!!!
Get a weight on him when you shoot him and lots of pictures!
Nice bucks Chummer !! Good food - good cover - good diversity. Winning combination. If you have the goodies ...... they'll find them. I hope you get a shot at either one this fall !!
He stayed the week. My neighbors that lease the 1000 acres that surround me have pics of him about a mile away. They had better pics, he is an 11, both main beams have splits on them and his left side G1 is split. Hopefully he has shifted my direction for good. I pulled my cameras off my 2 deep woods plots and overseeded WR, limed, and fertilized. The plan is to stay out of the woods for the next 6 weeks. Unfortunately this means my neighbors will be pounding the piss out their property my best chance may be the 2 week bow season (they don't bow hunt). I also had the two guys below show up. This stuff is a lot more fun when the big boys show up. Notice the heavy fog, this will be common till October. Not sure what causes it but August and September are fog months here.

Nice group of bucks chummer. Hopefully you can one into bow range.
He was gone for two months but showed back up last week. He is hitting the brassicas every night as early as 730. He must be bedding close. I am 0 for two sits on where I thought he would be coming from. I had 6 bucks in the brassicas this week I have pics of him sparing with 3 of them. Trying to keep the pressure to a minimum but riffle season starts next Saturday.
Good luck!
Sadly I have to report this guy is gone. I saw the hero shot today. It was shot by a guy I know and talk to a couple times a year. He would not tell me where he got it which leads me to believe it was closer than he cared to disclose. He is a local and I know he hunts the neighbors property and probably ours. Of the 4 mature bucks I had photos of 3 are gone and the 4 th one was shot at. Guy said he missed but not the most truthful bunch he could have winged it.
Bad for you. Good for him, unless he was hunting on you?

Gotta hate if that happened. I absolutely hate trespassers.