My first farm pics


5 year old buck +
I have never messed with trailcams because I am not at the Farm enough to keep up with them. Well my buddy who lives up there got a couple of cheapos at Walmart last week and I think I am already hooked on seeing whats actually roaming around the place. Turns out there are a few pretty nice uns out there and I hope to be able to see them progress this summer.

I don't think this fellow has missed too many meals, probably enjoying the 10,000 lbs of corn/protein a year my neighbor feeds.


He has a few buddies hanging around.



A rare pair of monogamous deer. LOL Did not think does like bucks this time of year, especially since one
made her swell all up.

And finally, can't forget about the ladies. Looks like we have a pretty good crop of younguns coming. Hope they can stay out of the way of the yotes.

I used to put them out in the summer and bring them in after season but now I leave some out year round just to see what's there, Good pics!
nice bucks! what state are these from?
SE Alabama
Interesting to see these AL bucks about a month behind antler growth here in NC. When do your bucks typically shed their velvet Brad?
I actually have no clue. I have never messed with cameras until about 2 weeks ago and do not live at the farm. I will be able to answer that question next year though.We do seem to drag behind the northern guys. A fella was posting pics of pretty big fawns this week and my does still have a ways to go before they drop.