My big woods plot


5 year old buck +
I believe this is about 1/3 acre maybe a little more. When I cleared it 8-9 years ago, it had a 4.7ph. Early on I grew buckwheat and a little BOB mixes. I spread around 2000 pounds of pellet lime the first couple of years. All by hand! I am sure it needs more lime but time and funds are always limited.

I have not done much to it other than disk and plant rye and clover each year. Since there is little agg around the deer always hammer anything I plant.

This year I did something different and increased the rye form 55 pounds to 110. I put in a pound of PPT as well. I didn't see any signs of the PPT but this is the best rye stand I have had yet. It is very full and seems to be staying ahead of the deer. It was planted Labor Day weekend. The first shot is from a distance and the green really stands out in my woods.


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Looks really good.
that is an awesome plot, very well done
Ever consider knocking all those trees over to funnel deer in and out? Deep woods plots are awesome but when the deer come and go from every direction they burn out quickly.
Good looking plot!
Nice looking plot.
Ever consider knocking all those trees over to funnel deer in and out? Deep woods plots are awesome but when the deer come and go from every direction they burn out quickly.

I have not hunted that plot for years. The plot is there from an opening created during my first logging.

According to a little observation and cameras most of the deer enter naturally from one side. It drops off one the left side of the pic and they don't like to pop over the edge. Coming from the west or south allows them to see into the plot before entering. It was no great plan on my part, just dumb luck.

I tend to hunt thicker stuff and catch deer coming and going to the plot. There is a good stand of oaks on the south side so this is a bit of a destination feed source but my deer do travel everywhere. Topography is a big factor.

Thermals and swirling winds do help keep our age structure in good shape. If I was not so far from everyone I would love to have you guys here for a tour and learn what to do better. One of these days I'll put together a pic that shows the lay of land and challenges we face.

I can only dream of hunting the edge of a big bean or corn field. Or gain permission elsewhere. But I like my little slice of heaven so I only hunt it and dad's place.

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This guy has been a regular visitor. He is coming from the direction that most do in the daylight pic.

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This was before fall planting. We had weeds, clover and dead rye. That is enough in big woods. I posted this pic in my tall tines thread since I thought this could be him. It is now clear to me that this is not tall tines. I don't name many but this one is now known and wide one. Notice how different his body is due to posture. I thought he was ancient in July but now I am not so sure.


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Nice little plot and pics. Did you ever think of letting go into clover for a few years? I mix some chicory in with my clover and they prefer that over the clover.
I have not hunted that plot for years. The plot is there from an opening created during my first logging.

According to a little observation and cameras most of the deer enter naturally from one side. It drops off one the left side of the pic and they don't like to pop over the edge. Coming from the west or south allows them to see into the plot before entering. It was no great plan on my part, just dumb luck.

I tend to hunt thicker stuff and catch deer coming and going to the plot. There is a good stand of oaks on the south side so this is a bit of a destination feed source but my deer do travel everywhere. Topography is a big factor.

Thermals and swirling winds do help keep our age structure in good shape. If I was not so far from everyone I would love to have you guys here for a tour and learn what to do better. One of these days I'll put together a pic that shows the lay of land and challenges we face.

I can only dream of hunting the edge of a big bean or corn field. Or gain permission elsewhere. But I like my little slice of heaven so I only hunt it and dad's place.

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I like the idea of hunting locations where deer are coming and going from the plots. You do not burn the plots out as quickly.

I am surrounded by big bean and corn fields. We are rifle zone, and you are much better off hunting thick cover. Mature bucks,or any buck are seldom seen on the big fields during shooting hours in my area. Even does have been scarce the last few years on the big fields. Stick to the cover!
Nice little plot and pics. Did you ever think of letting go into clover for a few years? I mix some chicory in with my clover and they prefer that over the clover.

I will probably do that some time. I'd like to get the PH up before leaving it. The weeds and thistle get so bad that I have been planting rye each fall. Rye seems to hold up better than anything else I have done.

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I'd try a mix of rye, winter wheat, and clover. A little variety and nitrogen from the clover. Great looking rye plot for a big woods plot, though !! Deer would love it where I hunt !!
I did put down clover. I guess I left that off of the original post. I sprayed the plot before last years fall planting but never have before or since. They do eat the clover in the summer and I suppose it gets some N from it. But there is so much thistle and garbage, I've never tried letting it go for a couple of years.

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Thistle is TOUGH that's for sure. I guess if weeds are bad enough, we all have to spray gly or something down to get a jump on them to get some plots established. Your woods plot looks really good though. Whatever you're doing - it's working.
Great looking plot with many possibilities. I would consider frost seeding clover and chicory next spring.