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MN is #1 Whitetail State!

I must be looking at something different in that link. #1 is Kansas. MN is #15.
Got it..... I was looking at a list of the top 20 DIY hunt states..... Not sure why the lists would be so different. You would have to DIY in MN because there arent many deer outfitters. :)
Got it..... I was looking at a list of the top 20 DIY hunt states..... Not sure why the lists would be so different. You would have to DIY in MN because there arent many deer outfitters. :)

The reasoning for making MN the #1 whitetail state seems like a better fit for being ranked higher as DIY. The reasoning for making it a poor DIY state seems like the reason MN should not be top 10 for overall whitetail hunting.

Just another good reminder of why I don't read hunting magazines, watch hunting tv shows, etc.
Well with 1,000,000 deer used for the article we might be the best state. Too bad we probably don't have that many deer.
We finally beat Wisconsin at something!
Yup, nothing to see here! Go west young man(at least till you cross the river)!
I hear rumor they have an up and coming NFL football team over there as well, but that has been pure speculation and rumor thus far.
I hear rumor they have an up and coming NFL football team over there as well, but that has been pure speculation and rumor thus far.

Why doesn't Iowa have a professional football team? Then Minnesota would want one too!
The truth comes out. I think you Minnesota guys have been sand-bagging the rest of us from around the country !!! So you've been trying to HIDE those millions of deer from out of state hunters. That's just selfish, boys ............. just selfish. :rolleyes: :D
Damn, busted!
That's the generation story of the resources. Squandered opportunity.
Not to detract from the fun...but it irks the crap out of me that MN could be one of the best whitetail states with pretty minimal changes from our DNR.

It sure could. Easily top 5 with someone or a group at the top that really knew what works and what does not work!!
Don't want to trivialize your Minn. deer problems. Thought a little humor might keep blood pressure numbers to a safe level !!!

I think a number of states have had BIG deer reductions for probably nefarious reasons. Whitewash the public with BS when at the heart of it all is $$$$$ - or not enough of it for certain parties. To have a deer magazine rank Minn. #1 or in the top 10 is like throwing salt in the wound or twisting the knife. If I had a magic button for all of us who want to see more deer again .............
If I had a magic button for all of us who want to see more deer again .............

You have the power to make change. Whether or not you feel the gain is worth the effort is a different story.
Things HAVE changed for the better here - somewhat. And it came from a massive public outcry about doe tag numbers. The pictures shown to the public by the PGC were from places like Valley Forge National Park or the Phila. or Pittsburgh suburbs where you can't hunt and deer were like cockroaches coming out all over. The PGC would use those pictures and say, " We're over-run with deer and the numbers must be reduced. Look - everything below 6 ft. is eaten by these deer. " Once the tag numbers went thru the roof, and the mountain and rural counties got hammered, the PGC would keep showing the pictures from the above-mentioned places and say " we still have too many deer ".

But the people who lived in or hunted in the mountain & rural counties saw the light and more & more hunters attended public meetings and publicly challenged the PGC over harvest report cards and actual signs and sightings in those rural counties. The large public outcry, vocal & written pressure got the PGC to tailor the doe tag numbers more toward reality and by region instead of blanket policy for the whole state. It's still not perfect. There are still some counties with thin numbers where more deer could be living and bigger deer numbers where there should be less.

When I said " magic button " I meant in terms of speedy solution. We all want things better NOW or YESTERDAY !!! Human nature. Here's to BETTER.
^^I rescind and tip my cap. You appear a true advocate-

glad to know you!
No problem, Batman !! We're all here because we love deer, hunting and the habitat. It's why I'm checking in here pretty much every day. I like to read others' posts, get their thoughts & ideas, share info, learn. I think we're all cut from the same kind of wood. All good here.