MN DNR cant sell out Camp Ripley hunt....again


5 year old buck +
How sad the local manager ran this hunt into the toilet that they cant even get enough hunters to fill the open spots. That makes two years in a row. Ripley used to be something special drawing hunters from all over the country.

From the DNR page.....
Everyone who applied correctly for the Camp Ripley hunt will receive a permit because both hunts were undersubscribed.

Glad to see that the officials in charge of the camp got wise and kicked these stupid SOBs from the DNR out.

For those of you wondering from a few states away we are still fighting this arrogant DNR. The same guys that ran it into the ground now are the ones coming up with the new deer plan. Transparency is severely lacking.
My quote from another thread on "what would you do" to change laws in your state:

"MN: Fire the entire DNR and replace."

Enough said, it's a joke of epic proportions.
How much say does the MN DNR have with the Camp Ripley hunt?
How much say does the MN DNR have with the Camp Ripley hunt?

The DNR was in complete control of the hunt up until this year. Camp officials kicked them out because they have done such a deplorable job of managing the herd. For years it has been an all out assault on the doe population and now we dont have shit left for deer. Hunters are pissed and camp officials took notice. They sent the DNR packing and are now doing things themselves. At least someone noticed the value. Now if the rest of us could just kick them out.

Our DNR has changed their population model 5 times in 10 years. They really have no clue what the hell they are doing. Deer in MN are viewed as a liability, not an asset.
The DNR was in complete control of the hunt up until this year. Camp officials kicked them out because they have done such a deplorable job of managing the herd. For years it has been an all out assault on the doe population and now we dont have shit left for deer. Hunters are pissed and camp officials took notice. They sent the DNR packing and are now doing things themselves. At least someone noticed the value. Now if the rest of us could just kick them out.

Our DNR has changed their population model 5 times in 10 years. They really have no clue what the hell they are doing. Deer in MN are viewed as a liability, not an asset.

Good to hear the DNR is out! Why don't they just issue fewer tags... Maybe add a weekend so it's not such a zoo?
The DNR was in complete control of the hunt up until this year. Camp officials kicked them out because they have done such a deplorable job of managing the herd. For years it has been an all out assault on the doe population and now we dont have shit left for deer. Hunters are pissed and camp officials took notice. They sent the DNR packing and are now doing things themselves. At least someone noticed the value. Now if the rest of us could just kick them out.

Our DNR has changed their population model 5 times in 10 years. They really have no clue what the hell they are doing. Deer in MN are viewed as a liability, not an asset.

Was Beau Liddell one of main DNR guys for that hunt? In the article you linked, he came across, at least to me, like he got his hand slapped a bit by the new decisions and didn't like it. He said something about not agreeing with their decision to eliminate bonus tags.
Yes, he was the guy and it seemed like his goal was to kill them all. Unfortunately that seems to be fairly common among the mn dnr managers. It goes all the way to the top.
^^^All of our area managers talk down to us simple hunters. I have had conversations with a few of them and they are hardcore condescending pricks if you question their judgement at all. My area manager told me the overall herd can be gauged from buck harvest. And they have changed models a few times the last few years. Each year they put the DPSM at the same numbers. Yet buck harvest has plummeted. Its cause they changed the model to fit the agenda. And when questioned about it they will just simply stop replying.
Maybe it is because all the hunting in the rest of the state is now so good that we don't need to go to a special hunt to have a chance at getting a deer? <emoticons not working, insert sarcastic smile here>

Really though, we do have more special hunts to choose from than ever. No longer do we have to go to Ripley for a 'park' hunt. SW Minnesota actually has a huntable population of deer now. Things have changed, even if Ripley was still awesome it would no longer be the only awesome hunt available.