mangel beets, best price?


5 year old buck +
I am looking at adding these to my sweedes plot this year as a spring planted/ long season annual so I can do a one and done from spring through folowng spring. I may overseed in fall with rye/ crim clover . I want to try these as they are an older fodder type beet that just might be the ticket. so, have you heard of them? seen a better price? tried them?? thoughts in general thanks, Mike

Beets are tough. Even round up ready beats are rough. They just grow so slow in the beginning that weeds can easily get the jump.
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thanks Bill, I just gotta try em, I give something new a try almost every year, tried and true got tried once too.
my sweeds didnt see the use I hoped for but actually surprised me a bit as the deer took to the greens. That I ant usual for me. Bulb use was minimal but this was the first year with them fo me. I’m going all in on early maturing soybeans for next season. Took on a big work load this past winter that will take a significant amount of time.

Forgive all the typos (st pattys eve and all)

I am a Kennedy after all

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no others with any input?
Probably not a lot of mangel beet producers around. I never heard of them before.
Dont know that they do bulk seed, but Sandhill Preservation Center offers several different mangel-type beets in addition to garden types.