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Magic Eraser


5 year old buck +
Here's a pic of a no spray Honeygold right off the tree.
And after cleaning it off with a Mr. Clean magic eraser.
And it was delicious.....
Magic erasers are indeed wonder products. Any concern from a consumption standpoint? Obviously you can rinse off the apple, but is this a practice in the industry? I've never heard of it before.
Magic erasers are indeed wonder products. Any concern from a consumption standpoint? Obviously you can rinse off the apple, but is this a practice in the industry? I've never heard of it before.
Are you referring to eating Magic Eraser dust?
The two types of fungus on this apple are called Sooty Blotch and Fly Speck. Here is a fact sheet on them:
Someone once explained to me that the presence of fungus with the apple's skin intact proves that the apple is successfully fighting off the fungal attack, which means there are fungal antibodies as well as fungus on the apple. The fungus is tasteless and odorless and harmless to humans.The fungal antibodies are beneficial. So what I'm saying is, rinse the dust and bird poo off the apple and eat it "dirty". It's good for you.
I do.
Most late apples in our area are going to have some blotch and fly spec. It shows up more on yellow skinned apples. Eat and enjoy!!!
Magic erasers are indeed wonder products. Any concern from a consumption standpoint? Obviously you can rinse off the apple, but is this a practice in the industry? I've never heard of it before.
A practice in the industry? That would be repeatedly spraying the apple with poisons all growing season, then coating it with wax before storing it for months.

The magic eraser is made from a melamine polymer, which is a plastic. It could leave small bits behind, but they aren't toxic.

Alternatively, you could mix a little baking soda with water and clean the apples with that.
Just dont clean the apples before storage. Removing the apple's protective "bloom" will cause it to go bad fast. That is one reason why commercial apples are sprayed with wax.
When I was a kid I chewed my pencils. I'm sure I consumed a lot of erasers by accident. I'm not sure if any were magic, but they did disappear. I just figured, this too shall pass. Could explain a lot about what's wrong with me. :emoji_laughing:
I ate one at camp about 2 weeks ago from one of our trees that looked just like that - worse actually. Shirt-wipe and down the hatch. It was actually a really tasty apple - from a SLN seedling purchased for $3 in 2013.
I grabbed a few Goldrush apples as I went past the tree today. They also have what I assume is sooty blotch. Otherwise nice looking fruit. They are hard and I suppose I'll store them for a few weeks.

I always just wipe them on my shirt and eat them. is that not the correct method?

It depends on whether or not you have dropped them on the ground

Not really necessary if you pick them up in under 7 seconds
