Lowland Improvement


5 year old buck +
Hi guys,

Season is barely underway here in NC, but already thinking of next years work. We have abou 24 acres of low land/marsh with a mix of hardwoods & pines. Timber is about 25-30yrs old, very thick canopy.

My thoughts are doing some hinging this winter,say .50-1 acre pockets. Open the canopy & thicken up the horizontal cover. Its considered wetlands so any "major TSI" with heavy equipment is a NOGO. We dont hunt this area at all, just looking to improve the habitat on the eastern border. The forester from NWTF that did a plan doesn't recommend hinging in the South.. Any thoughts?

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I am in the south and hinge cut like a mad man. Do I lose some trees, of course I do. I have hinge cut in the winter with great success and also spring and early summer when the humidity is high and everything is growing like a weed. In July and August the trees will likely die so I only hinge trees that I was going to cut to release a better tree anyway. Why a forester would be against hinge cutting for a habitat zone is beyond me. Has he ever seen an area where a large tornado or fire went through and destroyed everything in its path? A few years later it's an oasis of life and as habitat managers we want this. A big buck under pressure is looking for the place that is so nasty no one can get to him and I go out in the woods looking to create that. Why would I want him to get shot by the neighbors when I can build a complete mess and bank deer to improve the age structure? If you could ever hunt beside an area where a weak tornado went through I can promise you the amount of deer living in the damage would be much higher than the surrounding area. I have some little junky walnuts that I hinge every other yr and they will send up 15-20ft of new growth in a few yrs to hinge and make it even thicker. Like you said it's not an area that you can do a lot with so why not make it into a great bedding area to maybe get another year on the bucks you have and hold more does while you are at it. Sounds like you have the makings for a wonderful sanctuary and I hope you maximize it with hinge cutting. Good luck!
you know I asked the forester the same thing & he stated he felt TSI or thinning was a better practice.

i have already hinging a couple spots in the high ground on the western side of the photo. the results were amazing. browsing is evident, & seeing more traffic in those areas.
I am in the south and hinge cut like a mad man. Do I lose some trees, of course I do. I have hinge cut in the winter with great success and also spring and early summer when the humidity is high and everything is growing like a weed. In July and August the trees will likely die so I only hinge trees that I was going to cut to release a better tree anyway. Why a forester would be against hinge cutting for a habitat zone is beyond me. Has he ever seen an area where a large tornado or fire went through and destroyed everything in its path? A few years later it's an oasis of life and as habitat managers we want this. A big buck under pressure is looking for the place that is so nasty no one can get to him and I go out in the woods looking to create that. Why would I want him to get shot by the neighbors when I can build a complete mess and bank deer to improve the age structure? If you could ever hunt beside an area where a weak tornado went through I can promise you the amount of deer living in the damage would be much higher than the surrounding area. I have some little junky walnuts that I hinge every other yr and they will send up 15-20ft of new growth in a few yrs to hinge and make it even thicker. Like you said it's not an area that you can do a lot with so why not make it into a great bedding area to maybe get another year on the bucks you have and hold more does while you are at it. Sounds like you have the makings for a wonderful sanctuary and I hope you maximize it with hinge cutting. Good luck!

There's a 1400 acre public piece near me that has about 8 spots where it is quite obvious a small tornado or two skipped around. The dang place is IMPOSSIBLE to navigate and bedding is everywhere.

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A forester recommended not to hinge cut trees? He's a forester, they think of hinging trees as being the ultimate no-no.

Hinge away if you want deer!
A forester recommended not to hinge cut trees? He's a forester, they think of hinging trees as being the ultimate no-no.

Hinge away if you want deer!

yeah that was my take on it.. going to give it a shot this winter after season. I figure it definitely cant hurt. the land opposite the river is a 475 tract that is rarely if ever hunted. so i think with that & our nasty bedding, should see more deer on the property.
Make sure you plan your hinge cuts out well. 1/2 acre to 1 acre spots work well in a line. Hunt them on the down wind side for daytime buck movement during the rut. You can create a sidewalk on the down wind side for ease of use for bucks to scent check without the bucks traveling into the bedding areas. It works. Good Luck and take pictures!
All "hinging" is really just "thinning" while leaving a part of the tree attached to the stump.
All "hinging" is really just "thinning" while leaving a part of the tree attached to the stump.

That is one of the reasons the foresters don't like hinging, is the 5' stumps everywhere.
My thoughts are he stated the land is too wet for any TSI or harvesting of timber so that should be the exception to the rule on the forester side. Most of us wouldn't shoot a 3yr old buck either but if he walks by with a broken leg and death is near we will to end the animals suffering. Glad you are pushing forward and creating habitat!
My thoughts are he stated the land is too wet for any TSI or harvesting of timber so that should be the exception to the rule on the forester side. Most of us wouldn't shoot a 3yr old buck either but if he walks by with a broken leg and death is near we will to end the animals suffering. Glad you are pushing forward and creating habitat!

Right. I'll put up some pics of this area & see what you guys think, But like I stated, its consided wetland by the Army Corps so no Timber company can or will touch it.Dont know how much it may be hunted, due to the lay of the land. Guess we will see what happens once I start on it.