Little %^*#'s


5 year old buck +
Is that a stink bug?
Don't think it's a stinkbug. It looks smaller and different than stinkbugs I've seen. PC, I believe.
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Looks like a plum curculio.
You can tell by that elephant trunk!

Hopefully Maya gave that one the boot.... literally and the rest of his buddies a strong drink of something!
Going out on a limb here - I am guessing he is not a welcome guest in your orchard :)
You can tell by that elephant trunk!

Hopefully Maya gave that one the boot.... literally and the rest of his buddies a strong drink of something!

Yes, it's PC. Thought I had the orchards covered good, but still had some damage. Damn I hate them!
Is that a stink bug?

I haven't seen the brown marmorated stink bug up here yet, which is the problem child, but I understand some orchards in the Hudson Valley NY and southern Vt. are seeing them.
I have seen a few but not too many. Seems my spraying with my new sprayer is working fine as my trees are looking good. Maybe because most are stress free from not having apples lol
None at all? I think I'll be good except for Macs and Zestar!. They aren't real bad though. I did cut out 2 FB strikes! Never had any before here. Going to have to break out the Copper and Strep next year.
None at all? I think I'll be good except for Macs and Zestar!. They aren't real bad though. I did cut out 2 FB strikes! Never had any before here. Going to have to break out the Copper and Strep next year.
No not none at all have apples on about 60% of my trees but some have only a few apples on them. Some are loaded like my King David and Ashmeads Kernel as well as my Brown Snout. My HC's got hit hard but I will get my first Sweet 16's and Ben said hr thinks they are better than HC. We will see
Have you guys planted any Goldrush for eating or cider ?? Our Goldrush seem to be unaffected by the late frosts. They have apples on them - and they look really healthy. I know they aren't at the top of the list for roadside sales, but boy are they delicious !! If I had to choose between Macs, Cortlands, or Goldrush - I'll take the Goldrush every time. Complex, sweet/tart, full flavor. I've read they're good in cider blends. Just wondering what you guys have or think about them. For those of us with late frosts almost every year - they seem bullet-proof.
I can't mature them up here, but I've had them, they're pretty good, a little firm for my taste. Very easy to grow for guys wanting an apple for deer. I'd sell and grow them up here if they would mature regularly. Why are you comparing them with Mac's and Cortland? I don't see much similarity.

As far as anything to fight the late cold snap mid-late flowering varieties are the ticket, HC's, Macoun, Galarina, Gala etc. When do Goldrush start opening compared to the average? I take it, late.

Aero, I haven't tried sweet 16, tell me about it.
Have you guys planted any Goldrush for eating or cider ?? Our Goldrush seem to be unaffected by the late frosts. They have apples on them - and they look really healthy. I know they aren't at the top of the list for roadside sales, but boy are they delicious !! If I had to choose between Macs, Cortlands, or Goldrush - I'll take the Goldrush every time. Complex, sweet/tart, full flavor. I've read they're good in cider blends. Just wondering what you guys have or think about them. For those of us with late frosts almost every year - they seem bullet-proof.
Great eating apple great cider Apple. It's awesome to go to the bow stand and grab a Goldrush. Oh I mean to the rifle stand which is early December and grab an awesome firm juicy tangy sweet apple and enjoy it immensely. I have 1 tree that is loaded and 2 with nothing. Awesome Apple
I can't mature them up here, but I've had them, they're pretty good, a little firm for my taste. Very easy to grow for guys wanting an apple for deer. I'd sell and grow them up here if they would mature regularly. Why are you comparing them with Mac's and Cortland? I don't see much similarity.

As far as anything to fight the late cold snap mid-late flowering varieties are the ticket, HC's, Macoun, Galarina, Gala etc. When do Goldrush start opening compared to the average? I take it, late.

Aero, I haven't tried sweet 16, tell me about it.
I am not sure about it yet since this is my first year that they will bear fruit. Ben Hooper is the one who made the statement better than HC. Hard to believe but will see. There is a royalty I think on them. From Minnesota program so maybe same as HC. Here is description
Aero - Agree 100% on the Goldrush !!

Maya - The comparison is my taste preference. If you set a Mac, a Cortland, and a Goldrush side by side and told me to pick the one I most want to eat - I'd take the Goldrush every time. Subjective taste preference only. No other criteria to make a comparison, the 3 apples aren't similar by most folks' comparisons. Goldrush just light up my taste buds !!:)
ok, I get that you like it better, but I just couldn't get why you picked the other two? They have different characteristics. Soft vs. hard different maturity times, mid sept. vs late Oct. here, disease resistant vs not at all.

Everyone has different tastes, I get that, but I just couldn't figure out why you picked Cortland and Macs, which are similar to each other. I over analyzed this, I know! :)
I am like Bows I have many favorite apples depending on mood or time of year. I love Cortland also but also love Hudsons Golden Gem as eating apple even though it's russeted but I also like Asian pears which are similar. Heck not many apples I don't like
I like almost all apples as well. I love Cortlands, Macs, Winesaps, Pink Lady,l HC, Ida Reds ( another favorite of mine ), Northern Spy, etc. The only apple I don't care for is Rome - too dry for me. Never tried a HGG, but russet doesn't scare me away.

I just was surprised ( pleasantly ) by the complex flavor of Goldrush last fall. It was the first time I ever tried one, and it was from our own tree at camp !! :) It's a firm, hard apple, but I cut them up into slices and pigged out on them !!
Man I can't wait for my apples to mature so I can try all these varieties everyone is always talking about!