Leaves curling


5 year old buck +
I've got 2 grafts that are not looking good. They had good initial growth but now the top most leaves are curling and turning a bit yellow. Looks like the one has a bit of CAR but I don't think that is causing the curling.
Anyone have any thoughts? Too much water, too little. We had some really cold temps about 10 days ago. Maybe that? Let me know what you think.
My 2 cents. The one on the left I am not sure, looks like something is going on with overall growth. Internode distance looks to really have shortened up, but could just be the picture. I would say the one on the right is likely going to be alright, looks like some environmental stress IMO.
This is my first time grafting but I noticed when I put my 50 grafts outdoors into their home for the summer in a raised planter box 3 of my 48 successful grafts did something similar. The leaves curled up, turned brown and then fell right off the tree. There's been no new growth either on the rootstock or the scion wood so I'm assuming it was caused somehow when I transplanted them into their new home? Maybe the roots dried out to much? I'm not really sure what happened.
Turkey Creek, Your eyes are not deceiving you, the node distance is really short. What would cause something like that?
Turkey Creek, Your eyes are not deceiving you, the node distance is really short. What would cause something like that?
Usually a nutrient deficiency
what is the node distance?
what is the node distance?
The internode distance is the distance between where the leaves come out of the stem/leader. It varies some depending on the variety, but typically doesnt change radically like that scion seems to be showing unless something is interfering with normal growth.
Thanks for the info. I hope it recovers but I'm not holding my breath on this one.
just a guess....too much nitrogen. Leaves look really dark green, maybe too dark.